The area stretching north and west from Cape Town is an austere landscape with its own, rather minimalist, aesthetic. However, in spring, all pretensions to minimalism go straight out the window.
For a few weeks over August and September, it's 'let's fit as much colour and shape in as we possibly can'. Superlatives don't do this spectacle justice.
Visitors can choose between standing back and gazing out across a few acres of multicoloured daisies, which almost seem to have been cultivated, or focusing on the multitude of different species growing close to their feet.
Obviously, the exact timing of the flowering and the very best viewing positions change from year to year, and even within the season, so it is best to get the latest up-to-date flower reports before heading off.
Although the West Coast and Namaqualand, as described above, offer the most spectacular floral displays, especially in contrast to their otherwise drab countenance, there are fantastic flowers all over the Cape in spring.
The Table Mountain National Park (formerly known as the Cape Peninsula National Park), right in the middle of Cape Town, also offers a truly amazing variety of flowers.