Suggested Itinerary Day 3
Southern Overberg Fynbos Route

Day3: Gansbaai / Walker Bay and Surrounds

Walk the Heidehof Fynbos and Nature Trails with a local expert. The trail, set in limestone hills, has particular and pristine flora and views over Dyer Island.  Walking the trail is an educational experience with a wealth of information on all the flora, fauna and fynbos medicinal plants. The owner, Mathia Schwegler also published a book on the medicinal and other uses of Southern Overberg fynbos plants.

©Jacques Marais
Harkerville hiking trail.

Groups of three to ten people are welcome by prior arrangement.  A guided tour of the Fynbos Farm is also on offer where you will be shown the whole fynbos farming process, from plant care to harvesting, packaging and shipping. After the walk, you can enjoy a beer, wine, tea or coffee.

The Western Cape is known to be more botanically diverse than the richest tropical rainforest in South America, including the Amazon. Fynbos makes up about 80% of the Cape floral kingdom and of the more than 8,500 species of fynbos, nearly 6,000 of them are endemic to the Westrn Cape.

Open Africa Routes

Everyone loves a good road trip – and with a country as beautiful as South Africa, it’s easy to see why. Taking to the road is ingrained...more