Shingwedzi Rest Camp
Kruger National Park

©Roger de la Harpe

A stay at Shingwedzi Rest Camp in Kruger Park guarantees a safari experience like no other, with excellent game viewing opportunities.

Unique Features

Self-catering accommodation for all budgets
High density of indigenous birds and wildlife
Twice-daily guided game drives available
Immersive, expert-led morning bush walks
Range of facilities including a pool and restaurant

Your Experience

A haven hidden in the wilds of the Kruger, Shingwedzi Rest Camp is somewhat legendary amongst safari-enthusiasts.

Situated along the Shingwedzi River, and just a stone’s throw from the Kanniedood Dam, this region is a mecca for wildlife. From the Big Five, to the elusive African wild dog, consider it the crème de la crème of game viewing.

With twice daily game drives and expert-led bush walks available, Shingwedzi Rest Camp in Kruger Park camp packs a real punch. There is also plenty to see (and hear!) from the bounds of camp, like warthogs grazing nearby, or nightjars calling out after sunset. The facilities are great too, with a restaurant, picnic areas and a pool available on-site.

Overall, the true magic of Shingwedzi lies in its rustic feel. There is a strong emphasis on connecting to nature and really feeling apart of the surrounding environment. And while it offers the basics, well-heeled travellers will find it more than adequate for a few nights stay.

Accommodation in Kruger National Park

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Kruger Park Rest Camps

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