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Rooibos Tea Production

...  During October the plants are covered with small, yellow flowers, that produce tiny, hard-shelled seeds, which are collected by sifting the sand around the plants. The seeds need to be mechanically treated to increase the germination rate...

Pig Welfare

...The pigs should not be left to roam for food, but have access to enough clean water and feed...

Impala Social Relationships and Breeding

...An animal can not arrest the growth of a foetus. Some ewes will reabsorb fetuses during unfavourable conditions but this takes place very early on in pregnancy...

Good Feed, Good Condition

...The feed intake of Holstein cows ranges from 18-24 kg per day. Jersey cows, being smaller in size, require about 12-16 kg feed per day.By Dr Carel Muller..

How to Farm Abalone

...artificial abalone feed, while some feed a combination of artificial diet and wild harvested kelp or the green seaweed Ulva, which they grow themselves...

Goat's Foot

...medicinal plant worldwide, a tea made from the leaves are used to treat colds and flu while the seeds are used against some venereal diseases...

Low Stress Livestock Handling

...Entering it will cause an animal to move away to get distance from the intruder. Moving in too fast into the flight zone, continued pressure or the cornering of the animal, may however cause the animal to attack the intruder or run...

Rabbit Baby Management

...Profit measured as a meal on the table, a future breeding animal or a potential sale rabbit...


...The yellow aromatic pulp is acidic (pH of 2.8) yet sweet with yellow seeds.  The purple granadilla has tough purple skin with orange flesh and black seeds. It is oval and measures 5 - 8 cm...


...Small flicking movements of seeds can be spotted. In the hot sun, these flicking movements will increase. This is due to small larva being inside the seeds, contorting in the heat and making the bean jump...

Ukuthenga iimfesi Ezisesezincani

...Ubunengi nenani leemfesi kuqakathekile ekuboneleleni phambili ukukhula nokubala iretjhiyo yokudla okuphiwa iimfesi i-feed conversion rate (FCR). I-FCR kuyiyunithi yokudla ekusetjenziswa ukukhiqiza iyunithi yenyama yefesi...

Basic Hygiene in Dairy Farming

...Your cow's housing should always be clean, with clean bedding (straw or sawdust), water and feed troughs, and feed. It is also important that your cow's housing is well ventilated...

Day Waterlily

...The seeds then pop to the surface of the water where it is borne away by the currents. After floating for a while, the seed sinks and germinates in the mud.Field NotesThe waterlily is one of the most honoured plants on the planet...

Rearing Calves and Heifers

...Start by giving about 150 g of starter meal (large coffee mug) into a dry feed bin once a day. Teach calves to eat from the bin by rubbing some of the dry feed on their noses. By licking its nose, the calf recognises the feed...

Nguni Cattle

...Their growth rate is also comparable with that of the Afrikaner and Brahman, while feed conversion exceeds that of most other breeds...

Kubuka Tibhidvo Letitfolakala eNingizimu Afrika

...The leaves are also eaten as vegetable and makes a good animal feed.Tindlubu sitjalo lesinemacembe lesichamuka eAfrika...

Common Greenshank

...They are surface feeders and feed along the shoreline. They will feed both nocturnally and diurnally.Common Greenshank BreedingThe common greenshank breeds in the northern hemisphere...

Identification of the Cape Fox

...On rare occasions, when a group of foxes feed on a carcass, the buttocks will be eaten. The foxes usually return to a kill...

National Food Security

... ©Eric MillerLabourers on a farm picking peaches.But their survival as solid business ventures is critical to a nation’s ability to feed itself. If our farmers do not survive, we do not...

Gem Squash

...The seeds form in a round cavity in the centre of the fruit.UsesGem squash are boiled and the yellow flesh is eaten as a vegetable...


...Waterbuck are grazers and feed on the medium to short grass pastures adjacent to waterholes. Their digestive systems are adapted to coping with a high amount of roughage although they do select the more palatable protein-rich grasses available...

What Do Warthogs Eat?

...To facilitate their digestive systems, warthogs feed selectively choosing more nutritious plants and parts of plants...

Asparagus Planting

...Asparagus PlantingAsparagus PlantingVegetable Farming in South Africa© Louise BrodiePropagationPropagation is from seed.Planting MethodDirect sowing of asparagus seeds can be done but it is preferable to plant seeds in a nursery and approximately..

Where Do Rock Hyrax Live?

...The fur closest to the skin is woolly and warm while the outer layer closes this in with a thicker, rougher layer or guard coat that protects and streamlines the animal...

Common Duiker

...The duiker can solely feed on leaves and water, but is also one of few antelope known to eat carrion and insects.AppearanceThe common duiker, also known as the grey duiker, is a small and shy antelope...

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