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Ama-Bastaards we-Richtersveld

...Ngeminyaka yabo-1780, amanye amalunga womndeni afudukela emlanjeni i-Orange River godu, lapha bafika bahlala endaweni ye-Kimberly, ngaphambi kokobana bafuduke godu bayokuzuma inarha yabo...

Coriander Crop Management

...The seeds are normally mature between 15 and 18 weeks from planting. The seeds are then separated from the husks and can then be sorted for replanting material and for the spice trade...

Cactus Pear as Livestock Feed

...    For the best results, farmers should consult an animal dietician to help them develop a balanced ration based on the resources that are readily available to them. By Glenneis Kriel..

Cucumber Planting

...Foliar feed sprays can be done to supplement microelements. The best way of fertilizing is with liquid fertilisers through the watering systems...

Southern Masked-weaver

...The female’s eyes are brown and the bill is black.DietThe southern masked-weaver is omnivorous, mainly feeds on seeds, but will take arthropods and nectar when available.Southern Masked-weaver BreedingThe southern masked-weaver is polygynous (the..

Red-billed Quelea

...During the breeding season, the bill turns yellow to orange and a distinctive orange eye ring is present.DietThe red-billed quelea feeds mainly on grass seeds, but will eat insects...

Uses of Cotton

...Cottonseed is used for the extraction of cottonseed oil while the resulting oil seed cake is highly prized as a protein-rich feed for livestock and poultry...

What is the Tree Squirrel Social Structure?

...Any animal which does not have the correct smell is chased away. Family groups are territorial...

Simbra Cattle

...The Simbra is generally a medium framed animal, with cows on average weighing around 450 kg to 580 kg and bulls weighing around 600 kg to 800 kg. The size of a cow or bull largely depends on the production environment...

Tennis in South Africa

...Location for the tournament circulated between Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban, Port Elizabeth, East London, Bloemfontein, Kimberly and Pretoria until 1931 when Ellis Park in Johannesburg became the permanent venue for the championships...

History of the Northern Cape

...Historical walking tours in Kimberly highlight the exploits and bravery of these men. The Cape Colony (as today's Northern Cape was called) saw many major battles during the Anglo Boer War...

Causes of Lameness in Pigs

...caused by a hard blow across the back of the spine, the animal slipping and twisting or a boar being too heavy for a sow...

Pests and Organic Pest Control

... ©Marinda LouwThe hadeda is a beneficial animal in vegetable gardens. They eat snails, worms and insects.When there is an excess of one species of insect, it is often an indication that the balance is disturbed...

Helmeted Guineafowl Description

...The guineafowl is an opportunistic feeder and has been observed scratching through the dung of large herbivores, looking for insects and undigested seeds...

Purchasing of Juvenile Fish

...The total mass and number of fish are important for future growth prediction and calculations of feed conversion rate (FCR). The FCR is the unit of feed used to produce a unit of fish meat...

Likalwa Bunjani Izinga Lokukhula Leemfesi

...Isibonelo: 483 g x 3 390 fish in cage = 1 637 kg (0,483 kg x 3 390 = 1 637 kg).Bala i-Feed Conversion RatioI-“Feed Conversion Ration” (FRC) yinani lamayunithi wokudla iinlwane ezilisebenzisako ukukhiqiza iyunithi linye lomkhiqizo, isibonelo i-kg yokudla..

Freshwater Fish Farming - How To Feed Fish

...There are three important aspects to consider: Feed quality from suppliers Storage facility Feeding procedure If fish receive too little feed or poor quality feed, it may lose weight or die from food deficiency...

Why Are There So Many Impala?

...By raising the hair on their bodies they trap a layer of air close to the skin, which warms up from the impala’s body heat and in turn keeps the animal a little more insulated against the cold.Large Ears and Eyes©Shem CompionImpala have excellent..

Hemp Oil

...©Marinda LouwHemp seeds (left) and hemp seed oil...

Industrialisation Causing Diet Changes

...Industrialisation Causing Diet ChangesIndustrialisation Causing Diet ChangesMoving Away From Leaves for Seeds©Eric Miller Diets favouring seeds, like the wheat found in bread, is typical in the modern world.Before the emergence of the so-called Western..

Eating Pearl Millet

...The seeds are eaten by humans, whereas animals enjoy the green plant material as well as the seeds.Pearl Millet roti served with dahl.How to Eat Pearl MilletPearl millet is a nutritious cereal that is high in zinc, vitamins B and A...

Lala Palm

...The seeds are distributed widely by elephants eating the fruit and leaving its seeds in their dung...

The Uses of Carob

...Cooking softens the pods and makes it easier to open and remove the seeds...

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