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Peanuts (Groundnuts)

...  Besides this, oilcake can be used as a high protein animal feed, whereas the vines, leaves, hulls and shells also can be used as livestock feed.By Glenneis Kriel..

What Defences do Waterbuck Have?

...By having an animal ahead and one behind, the individual is spared attack from either direction...

Fly Management

...Some mites and beetles feed on fly eggs and maggots, while certain wasp species lay their eggs in the pupae...

Identification of Eagles

...They usually feed from just behind the front limbs, working their way towards the head. They will eat the lungs, heart and other organs and sometimes pull the intestines through the cavity they have made...

High Density Grazing

...In other words, the animals should eat the most nutritious lush tops of the plant and the energy rich seeds, while the rest of the forage will be trampled into the soil...

Brown Headed Parrot

...All juvenile brown-headed parrots have dark grey, almost black eyes, which lighten to their adult colour by the time the bird is a year old.Brown-headed Parrot DietThey feed on a variety of seeds, nuts, berries, flowers, fruits and nectar...


...Some of its byproducts include cottonseed oil and cottonseed meal, a protein-rich animal feed and recent tests indicated that raw cottonseed oil is suitable for the production of paraffin and diesel...

Feeding Dairy Goats

...For more information on feeding your animals contact your animal health technician, veterinarian or animal feed supplier.By Marinda Louw..

Francolin and Spurfowl

...on bulbs, seeds, berries, shoots insects and molluscs...


...HPSA provides local farmers with training and on-going support and the organisation contributes inputs such as livestock, seeds and trees to the most vulnerable households...

Mountain Ground Squirrel

...They feed on vegetation in ranges of 40 hectares...

White-browed Sparrow-weaver

...Only the female will feed the chicks for the first 3 days and she is then assisted by the male and the helpers.BehaviourWhite-browed sparrow-weavers live in groups between 2 and 11 birds...

Uses of Maize

...The shift has also led to a bigger demand for animal protein, such as meat, dairy and eggs which in turn has caused a growing demand for maize in the feed market...

Environmental Impact of Food Systems

...In most of our food crops, the leaves are high in Omega 3 fatty acids, which we need a lot of; seeds are higher in Omega 6 fatty acids, which we need fewer of...

Southern Oil (Pty) Ltd

...Up until then, grain farmers in the Western Cape were dependent on wheat as their primary source of income, with most of the alternatives being merely suited for animal feed production...

Sickle Bush

...It coppices readily from any small piece of the root and the seeds are not digested when they get eaten. The seeds pass out of animal’s gut untouched and are deposited in a ready-made pile of compost especially if deposited by elephants!..

Poultry Bedding

...While it is against the law to sell poultry litter as animal feed, the material is a relatively cheap non-protein nitrogen source for ruminants, such as cows, goats and sheep...

Marula - More Than a Liqueur

...The nut is crushed to remove the seeds. The shells of the nuts can be used as paving, as a mulch or to make fires. The cold-pressed oil is extracted from the seeds as it is rich in antioxidants and vitamins C and E, which is used in skin care...

Charolais Cattle

...On colour alone, it is known that the second generation animal will already be white...

Carob Production in South Africa

...(For optimal digestion, pods and hard seeds should be chopped in a hammermill.)..

Biosecurity in Poultry Production

...Feed is another risks, as it might contain mould which can produce toxins...

Social Structure of the Dwarf Mongoose

...If an alpha animal dies, the next high-ranked member of the troop will take over the role...

Hemp as Food

...Hemp seeds are gluten-free and nutrient-rich with a nutty flavour and yield a high-protein flour and healthy oil.©Marinda LouwWhole hemp seeds...

What Defence Mechanisms do Nyala Use?

... The bases of the back of a nyala’s ears are white as is the underside of the fluffy tail which is raised when the animal takes fright...

Braunvieh SA

...  Braunvieh cattle have also established themselves as a breed with high best linear unbiased prediction values, which means that the performance of an animal’s offspring can be predicted...

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