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Hex River and the Hex River Mountains

...The original farms granted in the Hex River Valley were as follows: (The order runs from the valley’s south-western entrance closest to Worcester to the north-east, closest to the Hex Valley Pass) Kanetvlei (Kanet is the Afrikaans name for the..

Richtersveld National Park

...Richtersveld National ParkRichtersveld National ParkWorld Heritage Sites in South AfricaSituated in the extreme northwest corner of South Africa, and hunkered down within the muddy embrace of the Orange River, you will find the expansive 160,000 ha Richtersveld..

Marine Life of South Africa

...On the warmer East Coast, you’ll find dolphins and the Southern Right Whales thriving in the Indian Ocean...

Symbols on the South Africa Coat of Arms

...From the tusks to the rising sun the shape formed is that of the cosmic egg from which the secretary bird emerges. Symbolically, it implies the rebirth of the spirit of our great and heroic nation of South Africa...

Klaserie Private Game Reserve

...Besides the Big 5 that frequent the reserve, you are sure to spot a variety of other rare predators and birdlife...


...HermonHermonPeaceful Oasis of the Cape WinelandsThe little town of Hermon is a peaceful oasis located in the Western Cape Winelands of South Africa...


...It commonly occurs in most estuaries on the southwest and southeast coasts, growing densely just beneath the high-tide mark.Field NotesHybridisations of cordgrass have occurred in many parts of the world where it has taken seed...

Bronze Elephant and Baobab Sculpture

...Baobabs, on the other hand, are towering life-sustainers that have inspired the most fantastical traditional folk tales...

Chicken Breeds

...To select a breed, farmers should consider the way in which they will produce the birds, the target market and personal preferences...

Accommodation in Malelane

...you can enjoy the beauty of the African wildlife, play a round or two of golf and relax at the spa...

The New Settlers in Vredefort

...The first to appear on the scene was an African tribe called the Matabele (later Ndebele). ©Jacques MaraisThey were once part of the Zulu nation under the powerful King Shaka...

Step by Step Formation of the Vredefort Dome

...At the same time that the rim was collapsing, an uplift was forming in the middle of the crater. This is because, when the bolide hit, the rocks at the epicentre of the impact were heavily compressed...

Knob Thorn

...The knob thorn tree’s branches, shoots and leaves are eaten by the elephant, and the kudu browses on its leaves and shoots...

Cinsault in South Africa

...Only with the advent of the Swartland Revolution and the subsequent ‘Old Vine Project’ did we see more attention being lavished on this grape...

Routes in the Overberg

...But, as is often the case with these transit towns, the real quality of the place is found on the side roads leading off from the main thoroughfare...

Mandela Proudly Walks His Daughter Zindzi Down the Aisle on Her Wedding Day

...She is the daughter of Nelson Mandela and his second wife, Winnie Mandela. In 1992, Zindzi married her first husband, Zwelibanzi Hlongwane. Madiba proudly walked her down the aisle at the ceremony...

Accommodation in Cape St Francis

...Activities in the area include surfing and swimming at the beach, canoeing, stand-up paddle boarding and boat cruises on the Kromme River, as well as nature walks, hiking and golfing...

History of the Ndebele

...History of the NdebeleHistory of the NdebeleNdebele Tribe Sub-groupsThe Ndebele history includes the middle of the 19th century, when the Kekana faction of the Ndebele tribe had further divided into smaller splinter groups, which spread out across the..

Common Diseases and Problems with Goats

...Keep orf animals away from the rest of the herd and treat the scabs with Vaseline (wear gloves) or an antibiotic spray...

Highlights of the Robben Island Tour

...Highlights of the Robben Island TourHighlights of the Robben Island TourThe Ferry Ride©David FlemingerA highlight of the Robben Island tour is the actual boat ride over to the island...

How to Feed Sick Goats

...The farmer may give the right medications, but if the goat dehydrates, it is going to die. When the goat is lying, ensure water is in a shallow container such as a dog’s water bowl...


...It cashes in on the tourists traveling to and from the world famous Kruger National Park, as well as the many other scenic wonders situated in Mpumalanga. Stopover for lunch or tea, or simply to stretch your legs after a long and tiresome drive...

Medicinal Plants of South Africa

...The Sotho people use raw leaves of the Cape rose geranium as a poultice to heal wounds and abscesses, the powdered leaves of the sourplum (Ximenia caffra) are used to treat infertility and fever while its powdered root is a reputed aphrodisiac...

Looking After Your Predators

...removal of a dominant animal may leave a void in the hierarchy of the group...

Royal Natal National Park Activities

...A network of the most amazing hiking trails criss-cross the park, taking you right to the top of the Drakensberg...

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