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Mapungubwe Uncovered

...Despite the obvious significance of the gold rhino, it should be noted that we do not know if the rhino was a particularly important symbol or totem of the Mapungubwe people...


...The root system of most weeds grows about 15 to 40 cm deep; the same depth where most of the feeder roots are found in the vineyard...

Political Organisation of the Zulu

...At the base of the structure were the individual households 'imizi', which comprised the smallest political units in the government of the nation...

Beadwork From the Colony of Natal

...In this example, the introduction of red triangles, outlined in white, serves both to animate the design, and to accentuate the transition from blue triangles on the left to white ones on the right.By Professor Sandra Klopper..


...Coal was discovered in Newcastle in the early 19th century and in 1920, the province’s first steel plant was built in the city...

Things to Do in Hartbeespoort

...along a 1.2 km cableway to the summit above the Hartbeespoort Dam...

Historical Walking Tours of the Cape

...The place tells a story that weaves in complex elements. These range from the days of the Khoisan people before the arrival of the Dutch settlers to the struggle years that resulted in democratic South Africa...

Northern Wine Regions

...  Vineyards throughout the Northern Cape and the Rietrivier area in the Free State are managed carefully to ensure the mesoclimate does not cause any damage to the grapes...


...While the French struggled to produce Malbec, the grape thrived in the warm climatic conditions of Argentina resulting in the country becoming the major producer of the variety...

Processing of Cotton

...Here, the cotton fibres are separated from the cottonseed in a process called "ginning". The gin, (short for ‘engine’) refers to the name of the machine and process during which the seed cotton is cleaned and sorted...

Examining City Layout for Greater Food Security

... ©All Rights Reserved (©): Roger de la HarpeA bustling street in Johannesburg.But this position diverts attention away from how the layout of the city and how the food retail system marginalises the poor even further...

Desmond Tutu Life at a Glance

...The SACC represented all the major Christian churches in South Africa, other than the Dutch Reformed Church and the Catholic Church...

African Black Oystercatcher

...The wedge-like orange-tipped red bill is somewhat longer than the head and the mandibles do not meet at the tip. The sides of the bill are compressed to form thin blades at the tip. The three-toed legs are short and red...

Geographical Beauty of Tsitsikamma National Park

...You don't need a permit or anything — just park and walk, either down to the rocky shore or along the forest paths flanking the picnic site. The view site has wooden railings and an information board...


...Early Europeans – mostly farmers and foresters – settled in the region during the early 1860s, naming the town for Sir Henry Bulwer, the Lieutenant Governor of Natal (1875-1880)...

Cape Shovler

...The legs turn orange during the breeding season. The male has a paler head than the female. The Cape shoveler has a light blue forewing, with a thin white border separating it from the green speculum...

National Park Near Cradock

...On the suurveld slopes and scrub-covered pediments of the southeastern section mountain reedbuck and grey rhebuck may be flushed from cover, but the main predator of the park, the caracal or rooikat, is rarely seen as it hunts by night.Hikes and Trails..

Williston Attractions

...The owners of the farm were respectively a cheesemaker and dairy farmer that married and settled in the Karoo...


...During the flower season, the area is a kaleidoscope of colour. Visitors can go on a hiking trail along the Doring River, as well as on a river-rafting trail. Vanrhynsdorp houses the largest succulent nursery in South Africa...

Eco-Friendly Karkloof

...Some of the farmers are registered ‘crane custodians’ with the Wildlands Conservation Trust, and actively protect the three species of crane (including the critically endangered Wattled crane) found in the Karkloof area...


...Ballito stretches from the Umdloti River to the Tugela. Many of the first Indian immigrants settled here and the markets, mosques and temples bring an authentic Eastern flavour to the region...


...The turnip plant has dark green leaves with slightly serrated edges on a lighter green stem. These grow about 40 to 50 cm from the top of the bulbous root at the base of the stem, which is the main source of food...

How Do Dassies Keep Warm?

...This is the dorsal spot and it covers the dorsal gland...

Rooibos Tea Production

...  During October the plants are covered with small, yellow flowers, that produce tiny, hard-shelled seeds, which are collected by sifting the sand around the plants. The seeds need to be mechanically treated to increase the germination rate...

Explore KwaZulu-Natal From a Helicopter

...The ride back up the coast was thrilling. With the gale from behind, we skimmed along the wave crests like gannets.  Tea was a pit stop on the lawn of the palatial Lynton Hall...

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