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Military Organisation of the Zulu

...Military Organisation of the ZuluMilitary Organisation of the ZuluStrength of the Zulu NationDuring the reign of Shaka and his successors, the growth and strength of the Zulu nation lay in its military organization and skills...

Cave Formation in the Cradle of Humankind

...the formation of underground caverns as the subterranean water table slowly dissolves the dolomite...

History of Durban

...The crew of the Salisbury and the Julia had time to explore and saw the great potential this safe anchorage had for Britain. The Captain of the Salisbury befriended King Shaka Zulu, who granted him land around the bay...


...The town is located amidst the rugged Du Toitskloof Mountains on the banks of the Breede River, and is known as the 'Capital’ of the Breede River Valley...

Lost Culture of the Bushmen

...  In the early 1870’s, the Koranna Wars were raging up in the Northern Karoo. The Koranna were a mixed-blood tribe, made up of Tswana and Griqua, but the local Bushmen were inevitably caught up in the conflict too...

Colour in Bushveld Birds

...There is some melanin - the dark pigment that adds strength to the feathers. The colourful effect is created by the manner in which the keratin (the structural material that makes up the feathers) is layered...


...©Chris DalySwartland wheat farm in the Western Cape.In the east, the Swartland is bounded by the Winterhoek Mountains, Heuningberg and the Olifants River Mountains, while the dunes of the West Coast and the Groenkloof River form its western boundary..

Changing Landscapes Due to Climate Change

...from the moist interior of the leaves...

Marriage in Xhosa Tradition

...This was a source of tension and friction between the two half-brothers. The ensuing rivalry between the Right-Hand Son and the Great Son could result in the former usurping the chieftainship of the latter...

Cape Vidal History

...Eventually, the nose begins to lift and the aircraft soars into the sky before banking over the dunes and heading east. Now a second Catalina races across the water and lifts off to follow the leader into the rising sun...

Mooi River

...The town received its current name, Mooi River, because the early settlers were so impressed by the 'mooi' (pretty) river. In Zulu, however, the river is Mpofana, Place of the Eland...

Ambient Eco-lodge

...The lodge situated in the glorious malaria-free Nambiti Game Reserve offers the only sightings of the Big 5 in the area as well as up to 40 other large mammal species...

Identifying Poultry Problems - Look

...Do you see bald patches on the birds? Look at the size of the birds. Are all birds the same size or are some smaller than others? What could be the reason for this differences?..

Cycle Route: Graaff-Reinet to Jansenville

...The Sundays is the main river in this region, so the valley has fence-to-fence farms all the way - although the river does not always flow, and the farms are not always occupied...

Boxed Wine vs Bottled Wine

...Depending on the size of the function and the thirst of those attending the function, arriving with a bulky box of wine might make you the hero of the hour!..

History of Ithala Game Reserve

...People fleeing the Zulu wars and King Shaka found safety in the caves along the cliffs of Ithala. In the mid-1800s, the Zulu king Dinizulu gave over 1.1 million hectares to 800 Boer settlers...

History of Dannhauser

...to the Northern Battlefields, is situated to the south of the Dannhauser Municipality on the farm Quaggas Kirk...

Symbiotic Relationships in Birds

...Insects disturbed by the movement of the mammal’s hooves through the bush, provide a hearty meal for the egrets...

Tradouw Pass

...Trusty, Thomas Bain, was sent out to survey the route, and he pegged out a 13km pass that climbed up the steep valley carved through the mountains by the Buffeljags River. He moved on site in 1869 and the pass was opened in 1873...

African Grey Hornbill

...The face has a white line down the side of the head, with a white line visible in flight, on the back. The female has a red tip to the bill, with the upper mandible being pale yellow in colour...

Barkly East Attractions

...Alas no more, but one of the old puffing billies can be seen in the town. The Class 19D steam locomotive that stands in the town's square is a reminder of the early Old Steam Railway Line...

Beautiful Falls Near Sabie

...Mac Mac was on the route between Sabie, Graskop and Pilgrim's Rest, and a Jock plaque can be seen near the falls on the side of the road (going towards Pilgrim's Rest, a little way past the falls on the left)...

Mountain Zebra National Park Hike

...The last day is an easy and fairly level stroll back to the starting point at the rest camp. The best time to do the hike would be spring and autumn, because the summer and winter climates of the region are extreme...

History of Newcastle

...After the establishment of the Colony of Natal by the British and the Boer Republics of the Free State and Transvaal in the 1840’s and 50’s, the wagons of transport drivers carved out definite routes between these areas...

Elephant Anatomy

...The molar in front is gradually worn down as the elephant feeds on an array of coarse material and the next molar then pushes from the back forcing the existing teeth forward to replace the eroding section...

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