Membership of Citrus Growers Association

©Louise Brodie

The Citrus Growers Association is a growers’ organisation, funded through statutory levies based on the number of cartons member has exported. 

The association represents the interest of citrus exporters in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Swaziland. The industry has seen tremendous growth over the past ten years. Citrus exports started in the early 1900’s and reached five hundred tons by the 1970’s, according to the Citrus Growers Annual report of 2019. By 2001, volumes had grown to a million tons, reaching the 1,5-million-ton mark by 2013. Volumes had gone up to 2 million tons in 2018.

Citrus Types

The most popular citrus types farmed in South Africa include oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruits and soft citrus. Oranges are by far South A...more