Be Free in the Wild - Activities
Kololo Game Reserve, Limpopo

The tracker-guides at Kololo Game Reserve have plenty of experience and will do their utmost to find you some key players in the South African wilderness.

Game Drives

Guided game drives head into the Welgevonden Game Reserve nearby or within the Kololo Game Reserve, where members of the Big 5 are seen quite regularly, as well as kudu, giraffe, hartebeest, impala, nyala, klipspringer, zebra, wildebeest, warthog, baboon and blesbok.

Bush Walks

With more than 450 bird species recorded, this game reserve in the Limpopo province is a great birding destination all year long, although the best times are from June to September. Notable birds in the area include bearded robins, European rollers, grey hornbills and scarlet chested sunbirds. Essential equipment for bird watching is a pair of good binoculars (7 x 35 and 8 x 48 are good).


Kololo Game Reserve is classified as a 'safe game reserve' in Limpopo, meaning that no dangerous animals reside here. It is the perfect place to go walking and biking, as you are free to explore the many walking trails (from 2 - 15 km), either on foot or by mountain bike.

You can spend hours identifying the flora and fauna in the reserve, surrounded only by the sounds and sights of nature. There are 3 biking and walking trails, with small bikes available for children.

Kololo Kids Safari

The adventurous activities on the kid’s safari will take place under the watchful eye of experienced guides. Children will learn about tracking wildllife, and building a relationship with nature.

Kololo Game Reserve Accommodation

Inside Kololo game reserve you have the freedom to walk or ride a mountain bike, while exploring the trails that criss-cross the game reserv...more