De Hoop Nature Reserve Activities
De Hoop Nature Reserve, Western Cape

De Hoop Nature Reserve activities in the area include boat rides and whale watching, while nature lovers can embark on a hike, mountain biking route or bird watching experience.


At this nature reserve in the Western Cape, you can go on self guided walks, setting your pace with the pace of nature. Explore the landscape and the vlei, stopping to observe the bontebok, Cape mountain zebra, eland and ostrich.

There are a variety of hiking trails that lead you through the fynbos plains or along the coastline. If you prefer for a guided walk you can opt for an in-depth experience with a qualified nature and marine guide on a four-day bespoke guided walking excursion. 

A guided marine walk allows guests to head up a walking trail that leads along the coast. You can explore the rock pools and sandy beaches with a qualified guide who will point out interesting marine life forms and vegetation. You will also be able to do some whale watching in season. These tours depart at low tide and last around two hours. 

The Whale Trail stretches over 55 km from Potberg to Koppie Alleen. It includes 5 overnight stops. Here you can learn about the indigenous South African plants, while also discovering the last remaining vulture colony in the Western Cape.

As you move along this route, you will also witness various bird species and small antelope. As the name of this route also suggests, you will see plenty of whales, especially between June and December. 

Whale Watching

Every year, some 40% of the world’s Southern Right Whales come to the shores around De Hoop Nature Reserve to breed. Females and their calves swim in the clear waters, while males put on spectacular displays as they blow, breach and belly-flop. You can find a spot from one of the sand dunes to get a good view, especially during those winter months. 

Eco Boat Trip

The area is well known for otter and even porcupine sightings, which you can witness from abroad this eco cruise experience. These run in the morning with tea, coffee as well and pastries, and well as in the evening, when you can enjoy a “lekker” sundowner and savoury snacks. Each cruise lasts around 1.5 -2 hours.

Vulture Experience

Here is your chance to view the last surviving colony of Cape Vultures in the Western Cape. This exciting guided vulture experience begins at the Opstal Area with a scenic drive through the fynbos plains to the Potberg Mountains. From Potberg there is about an hour hike up to the vulture deck. From here you can see the vultures soar and swoop above you. A picnic lunch is provided for you in a backpack, so you can relax on the deck and enjoy the fantastic sights of a highly endangered species up close and personal. 

Kids at De Hoop Nature Reserve

Children are also welcome at De Hoop. There is a specialised Kiddies Programme that runs at set times of the year, which includes star gazing, treasure hunts and guided walks. There are also children’s bikes available, a swimming pool, and a tennis court. All of this aside, there is an entire beach just waiting to be explored! 

Other De Hoop Nature Reserve Activities

Mountain bike routes
Guided bird walks
Star gazing 
Guided Eco-Quad bike tours

Accommodation in De Hoop Nature Reserve

In De Hoop Nature Reserve you can see more rare and endangered species of mammal, bird, reptile and flower — than just about anywhere else...more