Contour Path: Mnweni to Cathedral Peak

A Great Walk

This route is not really part of the official Contour Path, which actually only starts on the southern slopes of Cathedral Peak above Sherman's Cave (the lower part of which is the route up Cathedral Peak from the hotel). 

©Roger de la Harpe
Cathedral Peak with Cathkin Peak and Monk's Cowl in the background.

However, many hikers would like to see a proper contour path route established along the whole length of the uKhahlamba-Drakensberg Park, starting at Mahai campsite in Royal Natal Park and ending at the Bushman's Nek EKZNW picnic site. What a great walk that would make and it would certainly bring hikers to the Berg in bigger numbers and help the park pay its way.

The Road is Long

©David Bristow
Hiking across the Little Berg plateau.

It's a four kilometre walk or drive back down the road from the visitor's centre to the Maxhozo path which leads diagonally back up the koppie for three kilometres. Below the conical peak of Maxhozo a side path to the left takes a sharp turn upwards to follow the main ridge of the spur, at the end of which is Maxhozo.

The next 400 metres up is the hardest haul of this hike, so take it easy as the road is long. For the next five kilometres the path takes a very easy course along a plateau of the Little Berg, with the great ramparts of the Saddle to the right and Cathedral Peak rearing up ahead of you.

The path rounds two spurs that come down from the Puddings at the end of the Cathedral range, bearing round to the left and still keeping on the contour. Then it descends easily down to the Isandhlwana River just above a patch of forest. This is a good place to take a long lunch break, as the next section requires some sustained ascending. You will have walked about 10 km from the Mnweni road, so you'll need the break.


The intended overnight spot is as close to the halfway mark as the topography allows, on a nek below the Puddings spur and close to the head of the Isandhlwana River. It's only three kilometres from the lunch spot, but since it involves a 320-metre rise in altitude it will take about two hours.

The path starts off crossing the Isandhlwana, rises gently to the right around the spur ahead with its rounded summit, climbs increasingly steeply across a stream gully and then to the left around another koppie before turning back towards Cathedral Peak, effectively completing a half-circle to the head of the river. Water is to be had close to the nek.

The alternative is to continue for another two kilometres, wending easily around the hill on your left, into a gully and more steeply down its left-hand bank, then over the open grass slope towards the Nxwaye River. About 60 metres above and 200 metres before the river is Shongweni Cave, looking upriver directly towards Cathedral Peak. From the cave the path crosses the river, climbs a short ridge and then contours to cross a second tributary.

After a short contour the path climbs onto Ganapu Ridge to gain the Little Berg plateau for the last time, before heading towards and very steeply down Baboon Rock. When you reach the tarred road, you've still four kilometres to go down to the Ezemvelo KwaZulu-Natal Wildlife campsite.

By David Bristow