
Ashton is a small town in the Robertson Valley of the Western Cape, best known for its beautiful vineyards and stunning mountain backdrops. It is tucked away between the Breede River and Langeberg Mountains, with fertile soil and a unique climate. 

©Chris Daly
View of vineyards at the foot of the Langeberg Mountains in Ashton in the Robertson Valley.

The town is centred around agriculture; it is home to two large fruit canneries and five wineries. Canned fruit, jams and vegetables are some of the many products produced in the area. 

Furthermore, Ashton is one of the towns on Route 62, which is the world’s largest wine route, and is also one of the main wine-producing towns on the Robertson Wine Route. Holidaymakers who enjoy road markets, local cuisine and gorgeous natural surroundings will find that Ashton is the perfect spot from which to explore the pristine Robertson Valley and all it has to offer.

Outdoor Activities in Ashton

Throughout the Robertson Valley, adventure-seekers will find various Hiking and Mountain Biking trails, as well as some Abseiling and Kloofi...more

Route 62 Wine Route

The Route 62 Wine Route is regarded as one of the world’s best road road trips. As one of the longest wine routes known to man, this self-...more

Wine Tasting in Ashton

Ashton is well-known for its fertile soil and exquisite wines - it sources its grapes from the Robertson Valley, after all. Ashton Winery is...more