White-browed Robin-chat
White-browed robin-chat (Cossypha heuglini)
Also known as an Heuglin's robin.
White-browed Robin-chat Appearance
The white-browed robin-chat has a bright orange underpart, a black crown with a white eyebrow. The back and wings are grey-brown.
White-browed Robin-chat Diet
The white-browed robin-chat is an insectivore and feeds mainly on beetles, ants, moths, termites and caterpillars, taken on the ground. It will occasionally eat fruit.
White-browed Robin-chat Breeding
Monogamous. The nest is a cup shape and is made from plant material, built by the female, in a tree cavity. Two to three eggs are laid and only the female broods the eggs. The chicks hatch after around 16 days and are fed by both parents and fledge after 18 days.
The brood parasite for the robin-chat is the red-chested cuckoo (Cuculus solitaries).
White-browed Robin-chat Behaviour
The white-browed robin-chat forages on the ground and will take insects from the foliage. Very territorial.
White-browed Robin-chat Distribution and Habitat
This species is found in Limpopo, Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal. The white-browed robin-chat habitat includes gardens, parks in urban areas, riverine forests and evergreen thickets. Normally found close to watercourses.