Temperature and Farming
Climate and Farming in South Africa
South Africa falls in a temperate zone, south of the equator, with summers from November to March and winters from May to August.
The hot and arid region along the lower Orange River area is suitable for grape and date farming.
Its temperatures are influenced by factors such as height above sea level and ocean currents. The temperature of an area not only affects how we as humans function, but will also determine when crops are planted, which crops will grow best and even how a farm should be managed.
This section deals with topics such as temperature and farming in South Africa, how it is measured and how temperature influences crops and diseases.

The temperature in an area is influenced by factors such as height above sea level, the proximity of the ocean and the position from the equ...
The air temperature of an agricultural area is very important to agriculture for its effects on the growth and production of different crops...
Altitude, the height above sea level, is a major factor determining air temperatures in South Africa, over-riding other influences on temper...
Temperature is a basic measurement of the energy status of the environment and is largely influenced by the sun’s radiation. Temperature h...