Tankwa Karoo National Park

The Tankwa Karoo National Park is a park with nothing: no road signs, no decent dirt roads, no visitors facilities, no trees and hardly any rainfall. It's both a Biodiversity Hotspot and a Scientific National Park, so entry permission needs to be arranged with the park before you visit. 

©Chris Daly

With the Roggeveld Mountains dominating the horizon, you enter a koppie-studded landscape that's as close to walking on the moon as most of us will ever get. Go in August/September when the spring flowers come out and the succulents bloom, and you never again think of the southwestern Karoo as a 'simmering wasteland to be endured'.

Karoo Highlands Route

Situated in the Northern Cape, the Karoo Highlands Route route covers a very unique part of South Africa. The Karoo also offers some of the ...more

Tankwa Karoo National Park: Birds and Flowers

Tankwa is well known among birding enthusiasts as it offers amazing opportunities to spot several Karoo endemics as well as various waterfow...more