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UN FAO Report on Food Waste

...If it is only good for animal consumption, then keep it in the food-production loop by getting it into the troughs and feeding bins of livestock...

Rabbit Feeding

...Lucerne pellets are available from all feed suppliers and can replace all other concentrated feed provided it is backed up with good hay and fresh, clean green feed...

Alpaca Fleece

...Factors such as poor genetics, high protein content in alpaca feed, and the animal’s age can cause coarsening of the fibre.Processing Alpaca Fleece©Marinda LouwAlpaca fibre comes in 22 natural shade varying from white and grey to various browns..

The Best Sites for Freshwater Fish Farming

...This makes the transfer of the juveniles to the cages, tanks or dam easier and ensures safe movement of fish feed and equipment to the water. It will also facilitate a safe and quick harvest which, in turn, will ensure good quality of the product...


...WarrentonWarrentonVaal River Town in Northern CapeWarrenton is a small town situated in the Northern Cape, around 70 km from Kimberley, on the banks of the Vaal River...


...Turnips have also become a popular source of animal feed and are also cultivated as a fodder.UsesThe bulbous roots are eaten boiled, fried and roasted and the leaves are also boiled and fried or eaten raw in salads...


...This town is quite remote, situated about 800 kilometres from Cape Town via the N7 and N14, and 400 kilometres from Kimberley via the N8 and N10...

Free Range and Organic Poultry Production

...Freedom to express normal patterns of animal behaviour, by supplying sufficient space in suitable facilities and in the company of the animal’s own kind...

Pig Welfare

...The pigs should not be left to roam for food, but have access to enough clean water and feed...

Hemp Production

...The waste product of the oil extraction (hemp seed cake) is rich in protein and can be used for animal feed or refined into a high-protein hemp flour for human consumption.World Production of HempThe world’s top producer of hemp has always been..

Impala Social Relationships and Breeding

...An animal can not arrest the growth of a foetus. Some ewes will reabsorb fetuses during unfavourable conditions but this takes place very early on in pregnancy...

Good Feed, Good Condition

...The feed intake of Holstein cows ranges from 18-24 kg per day. Jersey cows, being smaller in size, require about 12-16 kg feed per day.By Dr Carel Muller..

How to Farm Abalone

...artificial abalone feed, while some feed a combination of artificial diet and wild harvested kelp or the green seaweed Ulva, which they grow themselves...

Low Stress Livestock Handling

...Entering it will cause an animal to move away to get distance from the intruder. Moving in too fast into the flight zone, continued pressure or the cornering of the animal, may however cause the animal to attack the intruder or run...

Rabbit Baby Management

...Profit measured as a meal on the table, a future breeding animal or a potential sale rabbit...

Ladysmith Attractions

...Ladysmith AttractionsLadysmith AttractionsBattlefields and FarmersWhen the town was established in 1850, Ladysmith became the ideal place for fortune hunters on their way to the gold mines and diamond mines of Kimberley...

Changing Weather and Fortunes

...Changing Weather and FortunesChanging Weather and FortunesClimate Change in South AfricaUnpredictable WeatherMany moons ago, a young transport rider – who had been drawn to the flourishing businesses that grew up around the Kimberley diamond mines..

Ukuthenga iimfesi Ezisesezincani

...Ubunengi nenani leemfesi kuqakathekile ekuboneleleni phambili ukukhula nokubala iretjhiyo yokudla okuphiwa iimfesi i-feed conversion rate (FCR). I-FCR kuyiyunithi yokudla ekusetjenziswa ukukhiqiza iyunithi yenyama yefesi...

Good Hope Private Reserve

...©Nigel DennisSable antelope are found in abundance at Good Hope Private Reserve near Barkly West.Situated 40 min from Kimberley and five hours South West of Johannesburg, Good Hope Private Reserve is home to an abundance of wildlife and plantlife..

Basic Hygiene in Dairy Farming

...Your cow's housing should always be clean, with clean bedding (straw or sawdust), water and feed troughs, and feed. It is also important that your cow's housing is well ventilated...

Thuto ya Molemi o Mofša wa Mebutla

...E na le dinyakwa tše bohlokwa gomme ge di ka se sepedišiwe gabotse mmutla wa polase o ka felela ke maatla...

Umehluko Wobulili Wmphakathini wamaPedi

...Umehluko Wobulili Wmphakathini wamaPediUmehluko Wobulili Wmphakathini wamaPediUkuphakama Kwamadoda©Dr Peter MagubaneIsiko sePedi sasihlukanisa kakhulu phakathi kobulili kuwo wonke amazinga...

Rearing Calves and Heifers

...Start by giving about 150 g of starter meal (large coffee mug) into a dry feed bin once a day. Teach calves to eat from the bin by rubbing some of the dry feed on their noses. By licking its nose, the calf recognises the feed...

Nguni Cattle

...Their growth rate is also comparable with that of the Afrikaner and Brahman, while feed conversion exceeds that of most other breeds...


...By 1935 the mine was permanently flooded, resulting in the town’s very own 'Big Hole', just like in Kimberley. This hole is about 45 meters deep and teeming with fish...

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