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Pimpernel ya Maburu ya Vredefort

...Ditaemane di ne tsa bonwa kwa Kimberley ka bo1860 mme Ntwa ya Maburu le Maesimane e runtse mo digalaseng ka 1880 (ka dithuyna tsa ntlha di thuntshitswe kwa Potchefstroom) mme ya khutla ngwaga morago ga moo mo phenyong ya maburu.Mo dingwageng tse di lesome..

Identifying Poultry Problems - Look

...Were some of the birds weak to start with, are they sick or are stronger birds preventing them from getting to the feed?..


...They also feed on fallen fruit and bark and have been reported to eat carrion at times. Their food and undigested plant fibres are broken down in the large intestine and enlarged appendix which contain microorganisms...

Ku Hlawula Tinguluve, eAfrika Dzonga

...Ya xisati yifanele kuva na miri wo enta lowunga kotaka ku rhwala vana lava kulu.Ku Andzisa Kuya Hirixaka©National Pork Board and the Pork Checkoff, Des Moines, IA, USA.Cross-breeding may help to increase the feed efficiency and growth rate of piglets.Ku..


...Many animals feed on the fruit of the Jackalberry tree. It is oval-shaped, about 2.5 cm in diameter and yellowish-green in colour. Five sepals of the flower’s calyx stay at the bottom of the fruit with their tips curling backwards...

Today's Children, Tomorrow's Economy

...first meal of the day, while the rest of the residents of the informal settlements where he lives queue for breakfast.And so it is no stretch to say that the future well-being of our economies rests on the macro-nutrients and micro-nutrients that we feed..

Milking of Dairy Goats

...The ewe will be lactating (producing milk) for the kid to feed on - this will be the start of the milking cycle.©Chris DalyGoats being fed as they are milked.Lactation will last about 10 months after kidding...

Slaughter of Rabbits And The Law

...An animal that is frightened at the moment of slaughter tenses its muscles and the meat is unnecessarily tough.How To Slaughter a RabbitAlthough the best method is to use an electric humane killer, those suitable for rabbits are not readily available..

Looking After Your Predators

...for food and prey on jackals, their removal from an area, usually leads to a rise in black-backed jackal and caracal numbers.Good Leaders©Shem CompionWild Dog.Another reason to look after your resident predators, is that the removal of a dominant animal..

Ukuvuna Iintlanzi Ezigcinwa Kumanzi Amatsha

...ukutya iintsuku ezi 3 - 5 phambi kokuba zivunwe, maxa wambi iintsuku ezininzi xa amazinga obushushu bamanzi esezantsi, nezithatha ixesha ukucola ukutya esiswini uyacebisa uHenk Stander umpathi ophezulu ophetheyo kwicandelo le-Aquaculture: Department of Animal..

Simmentaler Cattle

...The Simmentaler is a medium to large framed animal with good muscling and little fat. The weight of the animals largely depends on environmental conditions, varying between 480 kg for cows and 650 to 950 kg for bulls...

Ukuvikela Kwezifuyo Zabafuyi beZingulube

...Izifo kanye nezinambuzane nazo zingasakazwa nge-feed noma izinto zokwakha izindlu...

How to Organise a Farm

...These needs can be to get inputs such as seed or feed cheaper through having more bargaining power. This may be better achieved by a group rather than an individual...

Ntshikelelo wa Xirhami eka Tinguluve

...Kuya hiva Animal Agriculture at Washington State University, tinguluve leti karhatiwaka ngopfu hi ntshikelelo wa xirhami tika fumbana endzhawini yin’we kumbe titshama titumbete milenge yatona leswaku tita kufumela...

Honey Badger

...This contrasts greatly with the Eurasian badger which becomes independent after just 3 months.Honey Badger BehaviourThe honey badger is known for being brave and fierce, displayed in its will to fight just about any animal...

Durban Cultural Heritage

...On the pavement and roughly made tables are neat piles and bottles of leaves and animal parts - each with its own function. Find a Zulu-speaking person to take you around, and you'll be opened up to the fascinating world of traditional medicine...

Ukondla Izimbuzi Emadlelweni

...Kungadingeka ukuhlwanyela ukukhula ngokweqile utshani obuningi ngesikhathi sezinsuku eziphakeme zonyaka.Isingezelo Sezimbuzi Ezidla Emadlelweni©Marinda LouwThese indigenous goats are fed 300 g of supplementary feed per day when veld grazing does..

Growing An Organic Vegetable Garden

...Also use animal manure from sheep, cattle, goats, chickens, rabbits or pigs. Do not use cat or dog manure, raw meat or fat. Place rough material such as small branches, maize corns, straw or dry grass at the bottom...

Impatho Ntle yeeHagu

...Lemigaqo isekelwe phezu kwe Nkululeko Ezintlanu ngokubhalwe kwi as Farm Animal Welfare Council, lemigaqo ke ithi: Inkululeko yamanzi, inkululeko yokutya, Inkululeko yesondlo, inkululeko yokungaviswa ntlungu, ukonzakala kunye nezifo, inkululeko yokubonakalisa..

Vhuthada Vhunzhi ha Tsukanyo kha Nguluvhe

...Uya nga vha NADIS Animal Health Skills, usa dzudzanea ha dzi organ zwi ya vhanga u ṋaṋisa zwithu, kuḽele kwa vhuria musi hu tshi khou ḽiwa zwiḽiwa zwo thabaho, kuḽele kwa erratic u ḓala ha zwiḽiwa...

Why Composting is Important

...The most common form of compost is obtained from a mixture of animal manure (nitrogen) such as cattle manure and plant material (carbon) such as straw, leaves or (alien) trees...

Activities in Mazeppa Bay

...Spend a day exploring the forest and reel in the abundant bird and animal life found here. There is also a 4 km coastal hike north that leads to the wreck of the Jacaranda, a 2000-ton ship that ran aground in 1971 at Qolora Mouth...

Things to Do in Ermelo

...Not much is known about the Bakoni people as they form part of an oral history, however what is known is that the Bakoni were an industrious farming community and that the ancient stone circles may have been erected as a type of kraal (animal pen) to..

Go Kgweetsa go kgabaganya Kgolokwe ya kwa Vredefort

...Morago ga dikhilometara tse di ka nnang 20, go na le go kgaoganngwa magareng ga N1 le N12 (e e tshwailweng ka Potch le Kimberley). Tsaya N12 mme o lebe go kgabaganya mekokoma e e tlhagelelang ya meboto mo dikhilometareng tse di 100...

On-farm Practices to Prevent Stock Theft

...Report immediately to your stock theft unit when animal speculators and hide bone buyers or livestock dealers are active in your area and keep a proper record of prospective livestock buyers as soon as you enter negotiations.By Glenneis Kriel..

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