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...During times of drastic food shortages, they have been known to kill and eat the young of ground birds and feed on carrion.Steenbok HabitatThe steenbok prefers open savanna with taller grass and thicket to take cover in as its habitat...

Growing An Organic Vegetable Garden

...Most vegetables - such as pumpkin, peas, beans, spinach, tomatoes and onions - can easily be grown directly from seeds. When planting seeds, do not plant it too deep - plant each seed no deeper than as three times its width...

Kalahari Melon Oil

...The oil is extracted by crushing the seeds after drying...

Compost and the Soil

...Hot composting kills weed seeds and pathogens and speed up the composting process. Cold composting involves a static compost heap, with raw material layers in a heap...

Sweet Pepper Planting

...The seeds are sown in prepared beds or in seed trays. The seeds germinate and seedlings are made...

Chives Planting

...The seeds are planted about 1.5 millimetres deep. Chive seeds germinate and emerge in about seven to ten days and the seedlings can be transplanted out into the field after about four to five weeks...

Places of Interest in Victoria West

...Places of Interest in Victoria WestPlaces of Interest in Victoria WestLocal HistoryOften referred to as the ‘Diamond Way’ between Cape Town and Kimberly, Victoria West is home to a number of historical and cultural artifacts dating back to..

Chilli Pepper Planting

...The seeds are sown in prepared beds or in seed trays in protected areas or in greenhouses. The seeds germinate and seedlings are made...

Mushroom Production

...  All mushrooms produce spores (or ‘seeds’) which spread by air, while the rest of the mushroom then matures as it grows on the organic substrate...

UN FAO Report on Food Waste

...If it is only good for animal consumption, then keep it in the food-production loop by getting it into the troughs and feeding bins of livestock...

Can Mongongo Nut Oil Prevent Hair Loss?

...It contains a thin layer of edible flesh and a hard shell with seeds inside.Mongongo Nut FruitMongongo Nut fruit is eaten by kudu and elephant, which 'discard' the 'cleaned' seeds in neat piles...

Rabbit Feeding

...Lucerne pellets are available from all feed suppliers and can replace all other concentrated feed provided it is backed up with good hay and fresh, clean green feed...

Northern Cape Attractions

...©Roger de la HarpeThe Kimberly Mine Museum features the main attraction - The Big Hole.The Big Hole, found inside the Kimberley Mine Museum, is the largest human-made hole in the world, simply called "The Big Hole", and dug during the biggest..

Nara Plant

...The seeds are sold in Namibia somewhat like nuts, and the pulp is used to make ice cream or coated in chocolate...

How to Plant Pastures

...Seeds need moisture to germinate and develop roots so good seed-to-soil contact is essential to ensure adequate moisture near the seeds. Seedbed preparation depends on the type of equipment available...

Alpaca Fleece

...Factors such as poor genetics, high protein content in alpaca feed, and the animal’s age can cause coarsening of the fibre.Processing Alpaca Fleece©Marinda LouwAlpaca fibre comes in 22 natural shade varying from white and grey to various browns..

Natural Systems of Marion Island

...Mice feed on grass seeds and invertebrates - insects, arthropods and spiders - living in the vegetation...

How to Grow Pearl Millet

...The tiny seeds should be planted from October to November and if conditions are good, they will germinate within five days...

The Best Sites for Freshwater Fish Farming

...This makes the transfer of the juveniles to the cages, tanks or dam easier and ensures safe movement of fish feed and equipment to the water. It will also facilitate a safe and quick harvest which, in turn, will ensure good quality of the product...

Birds: Food and Feeding

...They have shortened guts that allow seeds to pass through their systems rapidly and when they subsequently deposit the ingested seeds, they facilitate dispersal. Bulbuls will sometimes supplement their diet with nectar.By Megan Emmett..

Marion Island Plant life: Azorella Selago

...The plan also does whatever is possible to prevent foreign plant or animal species from sneaking in with every visit...

How to Farm with Alpacas

...Pasture feeding can be supplemented with concentrates (grains, pellets, mineral mix, etc.) or horse meal combined with low-protein game pellets and lupin seeds...


...Turnips have also become a popular source of animal feed and are also cultivated as a fodder.UsesThe bulbous roots are eaten boiled, fried and roasted and the leaves are also boiled and fried or eaten raw in salads...

Growing Hemp

...It is cultivated for its production of long fibres for textiles, hemp seeds for oil and other uses...

Free Range and Organic Poultry Production

...Freedom to express normal patterns of animal behaviour, by supplying sufficient space in suitable facilities and in the company of the animal’s own kind...

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