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Common Digestive Problems of Pigs

...The salt content in feed should be restricted and pigs should have access to sufficient water, to prevent salt poisoning. The cause of the vomiting should be treated. So if not sure, consult a veterinarian or animal health technician...

Red-billed Buffalo-weaver

...Co-operative breeding has been observed.BehaviourThe red-billed buffalo-weaver roosts communally in the nest, dispersing during the day to feed...


...Many animals feed on the fruit of the Jackalberry tree. It is oval-shaped, about 2.5 cm in diameter and yellowish-green in colour. Five sepals of the flower’s calyx stay at the bottom of the fruit with their tips curling backwards...

How to Farm Tilapia

...‘Fertilising’ of green water ponds is the addition of either animal or chemical fertiliser to the water to promote the growth of natural fish food - organisms like daphnia, cyclops and algaes that the fish feed on...

Do Eland Need to Drink Water?

...Once hanging down or broken off, other eland can then also feed off the stem (providing the animal in attendance is not more dominant!)...

Bronze Aardvark Sculpture

...This particular animal burrows underground to find shelter, often making holes in termite mounds to feed. The unusual features of the Aardvark make for an interesting artistic study and even more interesting dinner conversation...

Terms used in Goat Farming

...Legumes: Family of plants bearing seeds in a pod. Alfalfa hay is an example of a legume. Leucocyte (leukocyte): Usually referring to white blood cells...

How to Grow Cowpeas

...farmers or to animal feedlots that will use if for feeding animals.By Marinda Louw..

Maize Cultivation

...Most of the white maize is used for human consumption, whereas most of the yellow maize is used for animal feed production...

Management of the Sow and Her Litter

...Note: never feed mouldy or stinking food to pigs and definitely no animal meat. Meat is a very efficient spreader of infectious diseases...

Limpopo Coat of Arms

...The fruit, which can grow up to a foot long, contains seeds covered in a white powder, which is rich in vitamin C and tartaric acid. The original cream of tartar was made from the baobab seeds...

Spotted Bush Snake

...It can also be found in Central Africa to Sudan and Guinea.Field NotesThis animal does not feed when in captivity and therefore should not be kept as a pet...


...Aged 42 days, she will start to feed them solid foods and at their second month, they will catch food themselves.Civet BehaviourThe African civet is a solitary animal except when breeding and communicates by means of its senses of sight, smell and hearing..

Sorghum in South Africa

...FeedAs an animal feed, sorghum is used as an energy source for poultry, pigs, and ruminants - cattle, sheep etc...

Interesting Facts About Bushbuck

...The sound is not proportional to the size of the animal. Because they freeze when in danger and rely on their crypsis to conceal them, the bark is ventriloquial to put predators off. Bushbuck are remarkably strong swimmers...

How to Farm Catfish

...This feed looks like dog pellets and contains soya, maize, wheat, animal meal (blood, bone, poultry, etc) and a vitamin-mineral premix...

Blue Waxbill

...  This is the only small bird found in South Africa with blue underparts.Blue Waxbill DietThe blue waxbill feeds mostly on small seeds, but will eat small fruit and insects...

Rabbit Farming for Food Security

...They require far less space than any other meat-producing animal and are easy to handle. They can be fed from the vegetable garden and eat leftovers like old bread and leftover mielie meal pap...

Extensive versus Intensive Production

...  Animal husbandry in this system is characterised by high stocking densities as is the norm with poultry and pig production...

Peanuts (Groundnuts)

...  Besides this, oilcake can be used as a high protein animal feed, whereas the vines, leaves, hulls and shells also can be used as livestock feed.By Glenneis Kriel..

What Defences do Waterbuck Have?

...By having an animal ahead and one behind, the individual is spared attack from either direction...

Fly Management

...Some mites and beetles feed on fly eggs and maggots, while certain wasp species lay their eggs in the pupae...

Identification of Eagles

...They usually feed from just behind the front limbs, working their way towards the head. They will eat the lungs, heart and other organs and sometimes pull the intestines through the cavity they have made...

High Density Grazing

...In other words, the animals should eat the most nutritious lush tops of the plant and the energy rich seeds, while the rest of the forage will be trampled into the soil...

Brown Headed Parrot

...All juvenile brown-headed parrots have dark grey, almost black eyes, which lighten to their adult colour by the time the bird is a year old.Brown-headed Parrot DietThey feed on a variety of seeds, nuts, berries, flowers, fruits and nectar...

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