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The Soil

...In South Africa, the history of acapella dates back to the early 1900s. This was a time when traditional choirs were formed by migrant workers through rural music from various tribes...

Wendy Toerien

...Wendy’s involvement with South Africa Online ® draws on her love of history, natural beauty, agricultural expertise, cultural richness and international outlook that makes the local wine industry something special...

Looking After Your Predators

...Their presence, in effect, helps to keep other predators at bay and, in effect, out of your space. The size of territory varies from one species to another and also depends on the availability of food...

Rubber Euphorbia

...Rubber euphorbias are believed to repel moles and insects and are useful around homesteads to keep these kinds of pests at bay too...

Are Bushbabies Territorial

...©Roger de la HarpeGreater bushbaby or thick tailed bushbaby, Kosi Bay, Kwa Zulu Natal.This may also be rubbed onto the chest of the male as a sign of dominance or onto a female in courtship...

History of Rondebosch Boys High School

...History of Rondebosch Boys High SchoolHistory of Rondebosch Boys High SchoolEstablishing a SchoolIn the latter part of the 20th century the residents of Rondebosch got together to consider the pressing need for a boys' school in their midst...

George Thompson of the Drakensberg

...The man's name was George Thompson and for many readers, the rest is history. However, his story is an interesting one...

Formation of the Karoo National Park

...Formation of the Karoo National ParkFormation of the Karoo National ParkWhen Dinosaurs RoamedThe geological history of the Karoo is remarkable, despite it being such an arid region...

History of St John's

...History of St John'sHistory of St John'sCommunity WithdrawalThe Community of the Resurrection had taken over control of St John’s College in 1906 to save it from closing down...

Ankole Cattle

...From then on, cattle grazed the beautiful land of Nkore.Production in South AfricaThe South African president, Cyril Ramphosa, made history when in 2004 he brought the first Ankole genetics into South Africa...

Where to See Art in Cape Town

...  The gallery aims to create a space for our diverse heritage and art inspirations, as the country has a strange yet fascinating history of art that dates back to ancient times...

Tinta Barocca

...South Africa has a long history of Port production, but has not been allowed to use the Port label since January 2012 after signing an agricultural trade agreement with the European Union...

Mapungubwe Hill

...many gold manufactured artefacts and indicates a trading culture between Africa, India and China.A Uniquely African Moment©Roger de la HarpeMapungubwe is the first national park to be dedicated to a uniquely African moment; one which celebrates a history..

Porterville Attractions

...©Chris DalyThe Mosaic House in Porterville.Jan Danckaert MuseumEstablished in 1979, the Jan Danckaert Museum, formerly an old prison exhibits the local history of Porterville...

About South Africa Online ®

...political events, wildlife, famous people, architecture, birds, and cultural events provide a visual showcase of our heritage like never seen before.Topics IncludeHeritage Culture, Art and Artists Our Famous People Agriculture South African History..

Stone Ground Flour

...Its history started with Jacob Sulzberger, who constructed a mill that used three rolls, one on top of the other, in Frauenfeld, Switzerland, in the 1830s...

1837 The Namaqualand Copper Boom

...find no proof of this venture and credit the story to a later prospector, Fred Cornell, who wrote a romantic book about the ‘Glamour of Prospecting’ in the Richtersveld.Untapped Mineral©Roger de la HarpeOrange River Wetlands, Alexander Bay..

Kid-Friendly Outdoor Activities in Cape Town

...Visit Imhoff's Country Craft Farm in Kommetjie to enjoy the petting zoo, or head to Hout Bay's World of Birds, where you can see over 3 000 birds in natural surroundings...

Cape Vidal History

...U-197, flush from the success of torpedoing of the Swedish tanker Pegasus is cruising on the surface to the east of Richards Bay. In a few hours the Catalina's and the submarine have a meeting with destiny...

African Weeping-wattle

...A sprinkling of the decoction in the home is said to keep witches at bay. A body wash can be made from the infused root and is said to cure body swelling (oedema) and made from the whole plant can treat the insane...

Cape Winelands in Style

...  Winemaking has been a colourful thread in the fabric of local life since the first Dutch settlers arrived in Table Bay in 1652...

Rhodes Attractions

...characterised by heavy snowfalls and this, together with tumbling waterfalls, glinting icicles and waving sub-alpine grass fields, make for fairy tale winters.Bell River©Roger de la HarpeThe Bell River between Rhodes and Barkly East.Winter hideaways, fly-fishing..

The People of Soweto

...This prison may be 'The Island' (The country's most notorious island jail on Robben Island in Table Bay), political university of black South Africa; more likely it will be 'Sun City' on the south-eastern side of Soweto (Modderbee..

Herbicide Application

...In his article, Keep the enemy at bay, which appeared in Grain SA’s Pula/Imvula magazine, Gavin Matthews has the following tips for optimal use: Firstly, the herbicide has to be applied on a windless day, to prevent spray drift that can result..

Diving in the Cape Peninsula

...In 2007 the area from roughly Muizenberg in False Bay to Green Point on the Atlantic side was declared a Marine Reserve, thus meaning that the whole of the Cape Peninsula is a protected zone...

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