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...E nale bomong boikgethileng ba dikarolo tse nne.DijoE ja tlhapi, fish larvae le cephalopods.Mefuta E TlwaelehilengBlue button - Porpita porpitaBluebottle - Physalia physalisBy the wind sailor - Velella sp...

African Fish Eagle

...African Fish EagleAfrican Fish EagleNtsu ya Tlhapi ya Afrika© Shem CompionAfrican Fish Eagle.LebitsoNtsu ya Tlhapi ya Afrika (Haliaeetus vocifer)TjhebahaloNtsu ya Tlhapi ya Afrika e ntle e kgolo...


...GaljoenGaljoen© Jean TresfonLebitso le tlwaelehileng la lelokoGaljoenLebitso le lengBlack fish, Black breamLebitso la saenseDichistiidaeBoholoHo fihla 80cm, bonyane 40cmBoitsebisoMmele o kgutlonne. Hloho e kgolo ka mohatla o fokoditsweng...

Red Lionfish

...Dicile fish e sa tshosweng ha bonolo ke tse ding. Di ka fumanwa di kentse hloho dicaoleng e tsoma. Di tsoma bosiu. Di sebedisa mapheo a yona a sefuba ho pitlella phofu khoneng...

Devil Ray

...Dijo di kenyeleta plankton le fish larvae.KaboDi fumaneha maemong ohle a lehodimo le mawatleng a tropiki lefatsheng...


...Mahe a itshwaella dinthong tse phaphalla.DijoDi ja plankton ha dile nyane le pelagic fish and swimming crustaceans ha dile kgolo.KaboDi fumaneha maemong ohle a lehodimo le lewatleng la tropiki.Mefuta e TlwaelehilengTropical halfbeak - Tylosurus crocodilus..

Hammerhead Sharks

...E behela madinyane a 15-30.DijoE ja bony fish, skates le rays, squid le octopus, crustaceans le tse ding...


...Di ntho tse hulwang di palama sharks, rays, turtles, bony fish, whales and dolphins. Ka nako e nngwe di fumanwa di kgomareditswe dikepeng. Di shebahala e ka di qwela di shebile ka hodimo fatshe ka lebaka la sebopeho sa hloho...


...Di behela mahe.DijoDi ja fish, skates, eels ke tse monyetleng wa ho jewa. Tshilo ya dijo e butle mme ha e hloke dijo tse ngataKaboDibaka tse tsebahalang ke Sodwana, Comoros le Indonesia...


...Di behela mahe lewatleng le bulehileng.DijoDi ja algae, detritus, insects, fish eggs le plankton.KaboDi fumaneha maemong ohle a lehodimo le lewatleng la tropiki lefatshengMefuta e FapanengFlathead mullet - Mugil cephalusGroovy mullet - Liza dumeriliiSouthern..


...Di behela mahe lewateng le bulehileng.DijoE ja zooplankton, fish and invertebrates tse tshwanang le polychaete worms, brittlestars, crabs le dishrimp.KaboE fumaneha maemong ohle a lehodimo le lewatleng la tropiki.Mefuta e TlwaelehilengGoldsaddle wrasse..

Moray Eels

...Di behela mahe lewatleng le bulehileng.DijoDi ja crabs, shrimps, fish le octopus.KaboDi fumaneha maemong ohle a lehodimo le lewatleng la tropiki lefatsheng.Mefuta e TlwaelehilengGiant moray eelGymnothorax javanicusHoneycomb moray eelGymnothorax favagineusGeometric..

Grey Nurse Shark

...E hlahisa madinayane a mabedi.DIJODi ja haholo bony fish, empa di ja le small sharks, rays, squid, crabs and lobsters.KABODi fumaneha maemong ohle a lehodimo le lewatleng la tropiki lefatsheng...


...E behela mahe lewatleng le bulehileng.DijoDi ja fish le squid.KaboDi fumaneha maemong ohle a lehodimo le mawatleng a tropiki lefatsheng.Mefuta E TlwaelehilengBlack marlin - Makaira indicaBlue marlin - Makaira mazaraIndo-Pacific sailfish - Istiophorus..


...Tse tona di kuka mahe ka mokotla o ikgethileng ka mpeng kapa kae kae mohatleng.DijoE ja diplankton tse nyane, crustaceans le fish larvae.KaboE fumaneha mawatleng a tropiki le a seng a tropiki lefatsheng.Mefuta e TlwaelehilengSpotted seahorseHippocampus..


...Sexhosa, jwaloka SeNguni, e leng lentswe la puo ho na le la morabe, e ne e le puo e buuwang diphuleng tsa dinoka tsa Fish, Keiskamma le Buffalo...

Manta Ray

...Madinyane ho hlaha a 2-3.DijoDijo di kenyelletsa plankton le fish larvae.KaboDi fumaneha maemong ohle a lehodimo le lewatleng la tropiki lefatsheng.Mefuta e TlwaelehilengReef mantaManta alfrediReef mantaManta alfrediGiant mantaManta birostris..

Requiem Sharks

...Di tswala selemo le selemo. 10-100 ya madinyane a ya hlaha mme hoy a mefuta.DijoE ja fish, seals, birds, smaller sharks, squid, turtles le dolphins.KaboDi abehile ho phatlalla le mawatle a tropiki lefatsheng.Mefuta e TlwaelehilengTiger shark (Galeocerdo..


...Jellyfish (cnidarians) ke thatohatsi dipolasitiki le tsona di ya jewa, jelly fish le turtles, ha ngata di ya bolawa.KaboE fumaneha mawatleng a lefatshe, ntle le lewatle la Arctic.Mefuta e TlwaelehilengGreen turtle - Chelonia mydasHawksbill turtle - Eretmochelys..

Mountain Ground Squirrel

...Dinale malapa a mekoloko ya dihekthere tse fihlelang ho 40, moo di e fepang ka dimela.BoduloMountain Ground Squirrel e dula dibakeng tse omeletseng.Moo Difumanwang TengDifumaneha Angola, Namibia ho tloha leboya la Fish River Canyon, ho latelang le matsoapo..

Kgwebo ya Kolobe Afrika Borwa

...Kgwebo ya Kolobe Afrika BorwaKgwebo ya Kolobe Afrika Borwa©National Pork Board and the Pork Checkoff, Des Moines, IA, USA.In 2017, pork still ranked as the most popularly produced meat.Mocheso wa lefatshe o ntse o futhumala ebile o omella mme temo..

Ho Beha Leihlo Bophelo ba Kolobe

...Moriri o tsositsweng, moriri o tetemang le matheba a mangy kaofela di bontsha hore ho hong ho phoso.Letlalo ©National Pork Board and the Pork Checkoff, Des Moines, IA, USAThe skin and coat of the skin should look healthy.Letlalo le lokela ho hlatswa..

Ho Hlahisa Kolobe

...Tse tshehadi di lokela ho ba le mmele o tebileng o nang le sebaka sa madinyane a mangata.Ho Nyadisa Mefuta e Batlang e Tshwana©National Pork Board and the Pork Checkoff, Des Moines, IA, USA.Cross-breeding may help to increase the feed efficiency..

Mabokoso a Madinyane a Dikolobe

...Mabokoso a Madinyane a DikolobeMabokoso a Madinyane a Dikolobe©Glenneis KrielPiglets are allowed to move safely to and from the sow in farrowing pens.Mabokoso a madinyane a dikolobe a fapaneng ke a mang a dichelete tse ntle ka ho fetisisa tseo mohomi..

Oli ya Toanemoru

...some mountainous regions of the Free State and Lesotho...

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