Scaly-feathered Finch

© Nigel Dennis


Scaly-feathered finch - Sporopipes squamifrons

Scaly-feathered Finch Appearance

The scaly-feathered finch is a small sparrow-sized bird at around 11 cm in length. The sexes are alike in appearance. The scaly-feathered finch has white tipped black feathers on it’s crown and wings that give the bird its common name. The upper body is light grey, with the lower body an off white colour. A pink bill and black malar stripe make this finch unmistakable, when compared to the other finches.


The scaly-feathered finch feeds on seeds and termites.

Scaly-feathered Finch Breeding

The scaly-feathered finch is monogamous and builds a ball-shaped nest made from dry grass. The nest has a spout like entrance, and is normally built in a thorn bush. The female will lay between three and five eggs that hatch after around 12 days.

Scaly-feathered Finch Behaviour

The scaly-feathered finch are gregarious and are found either in small colonies of up to 20 birds. They drink regularly, but can survive for extended periods without water. Like most finches, they will roost communally in a roosting nest that is built especially for this purpose.



Scaly-feathered Finch Distribution and Habitat

The scaly-feathered finch is found in dry acacia woodland, with small trees, in the north-west areas of South Africa. They are also common around farmyards and gardens.