From Rouxpos to Anysberg

Buffels River Gorge

©Jacques Marais

There's a small problem, or obstacle, on this stage that required us to take a long way around a small topographical blip called the Buffels River Gorge. 

If we could find a way through, rather than around, we could lop about 20 km off the distance and increase the riding fun exponentially - given that the long way around is on gravel and tar, while the short-cut would be on farm tracks and foot paths (the route is there, we just have to negotiate permission).

With your padkos packed, head right West out of Rouxpos farm for 6 km to reach the Kleinswartberg River, where the road swings East then North for 3.2 km to reach the Laingsburg - Seweweekspoort Road, and we turn left, the short-cut we hope to open goes up the Kleinswartberg Valley. The gravel road becomes tar, rises up 100 m, loops to the North then descends to cross the Buffels River.

Anysberg River Valley

From the river crossing the tarred road ascends the Wittenekke Pass for about 4.5 km. Take the turn-off left onto a gravel road and follow a stream course through a defile and continue up the stream course to another defile, or nek, where we wiggle through. There follows a short climb to a watershed before descending to the Leegte River about 13 km from the tar road.

About 1 km later the road swings South and continues across a gently rolling, wide valley, before cresting the low shoulder of Joubertskop (860 m), from where it is downhill for the next 7 km as you follow a tributary down to the Prins River where you come to the Anysberg Reserve gate.

Then our track veers up West the Anysberg River Valley which is all but flat: actually it's not, but it looks like it is, surrounded by fearsome looking saw-tooth ridge, it rises only 100 m over 15 km to the main reserve office at Vrede and the cottages. There is a monster 4x4 trail in the park, and you can go on a horse trail if that is your pleasure, then again, maybe next time. You will promise yourself there will be a next time.

By David Bristow

Anysberg Nature Reserve

Anysberg Nature Reserve in the Western Cape is a little-known gem southwest of Laingsburg. The park was founded in order to protect the two ...more