Potatoes South Africa

Potatoes South Africa (PSA) is a non-profit company that serves as a mouthpiece for the South African potato industry, including farmers, producers and manufacturers. 

Potatoes South Africa operates as an industry association and its structure represents a network of role players and individuals who are involved in various potato forums and committees. The vision of Potatoes South Africa is to build a viable potato industry in South Africa and to objectively expand both the local and international markets. They maintain a central representative body called the Potato Industry Forum, in which all individuals in the industry can participate, and in doing so, set industry goals and strategies.

In addition, the association strives for the systematic development of the potato industry, including the preservation of soil and water resources, the maintenance of the available land, and the improvement of production and marketing methods.

Potatoes South Africa also endorses the national Potato Industry Development Trust, which collects, distributes and governs industry levies in accordance with statutory strategies, as set out in the government notices. 

The association's youthful character and modern approach to farming creates room for innovative thinking and proactive action, which is to the benefit of the potato industry as a whole. Potatoes SA symbolises transparency, stability and sincerity in all its activities.


The potato plant has uneven branchy leaves above ground that are not edible and tubers underground which make up the main source of food. Po...more