For pig farmers in South Africa to be successful, the health of their pigs is essential. Farmers should be able to recognise the symptoms of diseases in pigs to be able to start treatment with the right medicine as soon as possible.
In the case of serious contagious diseases such as one of the swine fevers and foot and mouth disease, a veterinarian must be notified. The warning sign for serious diseases is the sudden death of an unusual number of animals.
Some of the common diseases can be treated and there are vaccines for preventing other diseases, but these should only be used under supervision from a veterinarian or veterinary technician. Pig diseases can include skin diseases, for example, parasites and especially mange. Respiratory problems of which the symptoms include coughing and difficulty in breathing.
Diseases of the digestive system, scours or diarrhoea is most common in young pigs and can cause death from dehydration. Reproductive problems, infertile sows or boars, abortion due to infections are also common. Most losses in small-herd piggeries occur in the first week of life due to starvation, exposure or suffocation.
Piglets must be protected from cold and dirty conditions and their mothers must be fed an extra rich diet to produce milk. Ensure plenty of bedding to limit the sow crushing her babies by lying on them and make sure clean water is always available.
In all pig diseases, it is important to prevent the entry of disease onto the farm by introducing strict biosecurity rules, ensure cleanliness, proper ventilation, shade, fresh water and good quality feed. Good management and a keen eye for symptoms can limit the introduction and spread of pig diseases.