Nature Reserve Near Winterton

Outdoor Experiences

©Roger de la Harpe
Landscape view of Spioenkop Dam Nature Reserve near Winterton.
©Roger de la Harpe
Spioenkop Dam Nature Reserve's game viewing includes the Burchell's zebra.

The Spioenkop Dam Nature Reserve lies west about 14 km from Winterton. Spioenkop Mountain dominates the reserve, standing tall over thorn savannah and valley bushveld. Wherever you go, there are spectacular views of the towering Drakensberg and mirror-calm Spioenkop Dam.

Set adjacent to the famous Anglo-Boer War battlefield, this 6000-hectare park is popular for boating and fishing. There’s also decent game viewing with a good chance of seeing white rhino, giraffe and buffalo. Spioenkop offers horse riding, while anglers can fish the reservoir from boats or shore. 

Spioenkop Mountain is the site of a famous battle which took place in 1900 where the British suffered one of their worst defeats of the war. The soldiers tried to outflank the Boers, but were cut down by accurate fire. The battlefield site is accessible by road but the more energetic can climb the mountain, following the route of the British infantry. The views from up top among the graves and trenches are jaw dropping.

By Justin Fox