Mkhuze Game Reserve
Variety of Habitats

©Roger de la Harpe
Nyala (Tragelaphus angasii) in Mkhuze Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal.
©Shem Compion

Mkhuze Game Reserve in northern KwaZulu-Natal, less mountainous than other reserves, has the world's largest density of black rhino. The sheltering effect of the Lebombo Mountains and the influence of the tropical coastal airs coming off the warm Indian Ocean lead to a convergence of climates and a variety of habitats, from riverine forest and wetlands to savanna plains and sand dunes. Visit Mkhuze Game Reserve during summer to see a fantastic variety of birds, or during winter for game viewing around the water holes.

It's not just the giant sycamore fig trees that make Mkhuze's fig tree forest next to Nsumo Pan so special, it's also other things that live under the canopy. Butterflies waft through shafts of sunlight and more than 400 species of birds call this place home.

By David Bristow

Detour into Mkhuze

Although Mkhuze Game Reserve is not officially included within the World Heritage Site boundary, it does form an integral part of the park....more

Mkhuze Game Reserve Birding

Mkhuze Game Reserve boasts a bird list of more than 450 species and a wide range of habitats, from woodlands to wetlands. The well-marked ro...more