
Authentic Karoo Town

Middelpos is a tiny farming town located in the Upper Karoo of the Northern Cape, halfway between Sutherland and Calvinia on the R354. The town’s rural charm and friendly atmosphere makes it a pleasant stopover for holidaymakers on a Karoo road trip.

©Marinda Louw

Middelpos is one of the most authentic ‘karoo’ towns in South Africa, with a small population of generational locals and farmers, quaint Victorian buildings and small stores that have been in the same family since the early 20th century.

The Middelpos Hotel offers comfortable small town hospitality. The road to Middelpos is dotted with Karoo vegetation, spring flowers and the odd springbokkie or tortoise making their way over the road.

The Rieldansers of Middelpos

The rieldans is considered to be one of the oldest dance form in South Africa and originated from the San people....more