Membership of SA Hereford Cattle Breeders Society

©Hereford SA

SA Hereford Cattle Breeders’ Society has different categories of members. Ordinary membership is open to anybody who directly or indirectly engages in the breeding of Hereford cattle.

With approval at the annual general meeting, these SA Hereford Cattle Breeders’ Society members may be promoted to life members. 

People who have been providing specialist services in the interest of breeding may be elected as honorary life members, whereas those who have provided special services but not been associated with the breeding of Herefords may be elected as special honorary members.   

People, who are interested in the breed but do not own Hereford cattle, may become associate members, and any person under the age of eighteen may become a junior member. Special honorary, associate and junior members do not enjoy the full benefits of memberships, as they are not allowed to vote or be elected as Council members.

A written application needs to be made in which the applicant agrees to abide by the breed standards and constitution. Annual subscription and herd assessment fees are charged. 

The SA Hereford Cattle Breeders’ Society association has clear guidelines in terms of record-keeping and the way in which animals should be marked and identified. Records have to be kept of all registered animals, and all animals must participate in performance testing. No birth notification will be accepted for registration unless the sire is on record with both the society and the association as having been officially DNA profiled. 

Only animals that comply with the strict standards of the breed and have no breeding defects or physical deformities are accepted for registration. Animals that do not make the grade may not be used for reproduction purposes in a stud, although they may be reverted for production in commercial herds.

Hereford Cattle

Hereford cattle are a large breed of South Africa's beef production. The origin of the Hereford breed is uncertain...more