Lapalala Wilderness
Prime Bushveld

©Chris Daly
Lapalala Wilderness is located within the Waterberg Biosphere Reserve, Limpopo Province.
©Peter Delaney
Lapalala's diverse habitat allows for a range of wildlife, including Giraffe.

Lapalala Wilderness is a privately-owned nature reserve situated within the Waterberg Biosphere in Limpopo Province. The reserve was established in 1981 as one of the first serious conservation endeavours in the Waterberg Biosphere. It covers more than 44 500 hectares of prime bushveld habitat, breathtaking natural beauty and stunning views of wildlife. It is also an important black rhino sanctuary. Lapalala is in one of the wildest areas of the Waterberg and is bisected by deep canyons, created by the fast-flowing Palala and Blocklands rivers. 

Lapalala’s diverse habitat allows for a range of wildlife to call it home, including bushbuck, zebra, wildebeest, crocodile, leopard, baboons, monkeys, eland, impala and several others. The careful introduction of other species includes white and black rhino, roan antelope, buffalo, hippo, giraffe, wild dog and red-billed oxpeckers.

Prime Bushveld

History of Lapalala Game Reserve

Lapalala was to preserve the natural environment and wildlife that called it home. Its rich biodiversity made it a key element of the Waterb...more

Lapalala Wilderness School

The Lapalala Wilderness School is an educational centre operating in the Lapalala Game Reserve aimed at teaching young students about protec...more