History of Lapalala Game Reserve

Conservation and Education

Lapalala Game Reserve was established by Clive Walker, an esteemed artist and conservationist, alongside his partner Dale Parker, a farmer and businessman.

©Shem Compion
Lapalala Game Reserve was the first in South Africa to acquire Black rhino, and today, the reserve is an important environmental educational centre.

The two first visited the area to inspect a game ranch that was being sold, and once Parker recognized the value and conservation of the area, they dedicated 20 years to purchasing 17 farms in the area to bring their vision of a wilderness sanctuary alive. 

Lapalala was to preserve the natural environment and wildlife that called it home. Its rich biodiversity made it a key element of the Waterberg Biosphere Reserve. The wilderness area was the first part of South Africa to be declared a biosphere reserve by UNESCO. The reserve was also the first in South Africa to acquire black rhino when these high endangered animals were brought to Lapalala in 1990. 

Today, the reserve is an important environmental educational centre for learners. The reserve provides education to school pupils regarding the area’s habitat and rich biodiversity, teaching learners about the importance of conservation.