Ithala Game Reserve

Diverse Landscape

Ithala is one of KwaZulu-Natal's lesser-known game reserves. It is also a place of diverse landscape and abundant game - elephants, rhinos, buffaloes and leopards amongst other game.

©Roger de la Harpe
Mist at dawn in Ithala Game Reserve, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa.

So it's rather surprising that you're allowed to walk anywhere. Formal walks, on your own or with a game guide, start near the main Ntshondwe Rest Camp. Although there are leopards, the absence of lions means the park authorities allow you to walk just about anywhere you want. There is, however, an abundance of game to consider.

Elephants and buffaloes usually stick to the wooded area along the Pongola River, so give that area a miss or you could end up losing more than just your veldskoene.

By David Bristow

History of Ithala Game Reserve

The Ithala Reserve was continually occupied during major events of the 19th and 20th century. During the Iron Age, the area’s natural reso...more

Ithala Game Reserve Accommodation

Ntshondwe Resort is located on the lower slopes of the mountain - pink-and-orange sandstone cliffs tower above it and rolling plains lie bef...more