History of Aberdeen

Church Settlement

As with the establishment of most Karoo towns, Aberdeen was founded around the regional congregation's church, the epicentre around which other services and facilities soon sprang up. 

©Roger de la Harpe
Aberdeen is well known for its architectural gems, such as the Dutch Reformed Church, which dominates in the town at approx 50m tall.

The Dutch Reformed Church, built for congregation, has the highest church tower in the country - standing 50 m tall, it is a beautiful sight. The town was named Aberdeen in honour of Reverend Andrew Murray, who hailed from the town of Aberdeen in Scotland.

In the 1900s, various land owners built homes around the church in varying architectural styles. Some were classic Victorians, others were traditional Georgian-Karoo dwellings, all influenced by European art. 

Today, there are several monuments that guests can visit, such as the All Saints Anglican Church, the Magistrate’s Court and Jewish cemetery. Aberdeen was a town for any and all religions.


Situated in the scenic Camdeboo Plains of the Eastern Karoo, Aberdeen is a delightful little town in the Eastern Cape with lots of old-time ...more