Hiking Trails in Bethlehem

Scenic Outdoor Adventure

There are numerous hiking trails around the Bethlehem area for visitors to enjoy. The Sporekrans trail in the Bergdeel Private Game Reserve is a 2-day hike that starts with a steep start to the top of the krans with stunning views. 

Bethlehem's landscape is ideal for hiking.

There are spectacular rock formations along the trail to look out for, as well as crystal clear rock pools where you can swim and relax. Day 2 there will be a chance to spot an abundance of wildlife with great photographic opportunities. The trail is 14 km in total and not too challenging, which makes it suitable for beginners and children over 12 years of age. 

The Tepelkop hiking trail is 10 km near Bethlehem and begins at a sandstone barn used as a base camp for hikers. You’ll start with a short but steep climb to the saddle between the Witteberg and Tepelkop mountains. You’ll spot fantastic fauna and flora along the trail the rocky overhangs are definitely worth exploring. The end of the trail there is a stunning waterfall surrounded by ferns, mosses and overhanging plants. 

The Holhoek hiking trail is situated on the Holhoek farm between Bethlehem and Senekal. The trail is a 2-day hike and 20 km in total. The route has a wide variety of birds, sandstone cliffs, vegetation and access to rock art.