
Breadbasket of the Free State

Known as the breadbasket of the Free State, Bethlehem is the oldest and largest town of the region. The town was established in 1860 on the banks of the Jordaan River (named after the River Jordan which flows into the Sea of Galilee). 

©Roger de la Harpe
Aerial view of Bethlehem.

The favourable conditions for the cultivation of wheat induced the first settlers to name the settlement after the biblical Bethlehem, a name meaning 'house of bread'. 

The Bethlehem museum is located in the old Nazareth Mission church in town, which was originally built in 1906. At the museum you’ll find historical items such as an old steam train and a fair amount of farming implements that were used by the first farmers in the area. There is also period furniture on show that depicts the lifestyle of former residents, as well as a collection of war memorabilia. 

The town of Bethlehem has numerous beautiful sandstone buildings, while the Wolhuterskop Nature Reserve will appeal to nature lovers. Covering 1 200 hectares, the reserve has been stocked with springbok, red hartebeest, eland and zebra, among other species. Other weekend activities includes a trip to the Golden Gate Park Highlands National Park, the village of Clarens or Lion's Rock just outside Bethlehem.

Hiking Trails in Bethlehem

There are numerous hiking trails around the Bethlehem area for visitors to enjoy. The Sporekrans trail in the Bergdeel Private Game Reserve ...more

Visit the Free State

Flanked between the magnificent Orange and Vaal Rivers lies the Free State, a province in South Africa blessed with spectacular natural beau...more