Great White Shark
Great White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias)
Man-eater or White Pointer
Great white sharks measure 4 m in length on average but can be up to 8m long.
Great White Shark Identification
The body of the great white shark is large and spindle-shaped. Its dorsal fin is big and half-moon shaped and its snout conical and blunt. It has triangular, jagged-edged teeth and distinct black eyes. It varies in colour from a lead-grey to brown and black on top, being lighter on the sides and white on the bottom.
Great White Shark General Info
The great white shark belongs to the Lamnidae family which comprises of three genera and five species. It is the only surviving species of the Carcharodon genus as the Megalodon is extinct. The mako, salmon and porbeagle are also a part of this family. The lower and upper lobe of their tails are almost the same in size, and females are usually bigger than males. These creatures weigh up to 2 200kg and are ovoviviparous.
Great White Shark Feeding
Great white sharks are carnivores and predominantly eat fish, but also feed on rays, dolphins, whales, sea otters, penguins, turtles and seals. They can be opportunistic feeders and hunt by catching their prey by surprise.
Great white sharks can be found in all subtropical oceans across the world.