A Grandmother’s Spirit
South African Women's Day Event

© Aaron Polikoff

Reflections on Women's Day

The most beautiful, heart-wrenching moment of the day was when the grannies of Khayelitsha started moving towards the elevator, readying to take their transport back home. As we ushered them from their seats, the ladies broke out in a spontaneous song, with its only lyric being ´never give up´.

Their voices harmoniously filled the mall, and tears immediately sprang up. You could hear the pain they have experienced and the courage that shines through in their voice. It was a magical moment that reconciled the day´s celebrations.

The grandmothers left an irreplaceable mark of love on all those they interacted with. They installed a sense of hope and prosperity through difficult times in me, and I will forever be grateful for the opportunity to have met these wonderful grannies.To have sat, listened and learnt from those who have lived life in its most brutal form, and came out the other side smiling.