FarmSol Services

Many food and beverage traders are looking for ways to contribute to agricultural transformation by buying products from previously disadvantaged groups. Unfortunately, these good intentions are often hampered by difficulties in sourcing farmers with the ability to produce a constant supply of produce that complies with the strict quality and safety requirements of these companies.  

FarmSol addresses this need, by connecting companies with growers, who are supported to meet buyers’ specifications and ensure identity preservation of procured products. 

A package of services is offered to enable sustainable farmer development. Firstly, farmers have access to integrated agronomic support and training services aimed at improving their competitiveness by exposing and keeping them abreast of the latest production technology, research and trends. 

These services not only focus on the physical production of crops, but also include training to help farmers with financial planning and business management. 

FarmSol recognizes that there are huge differences in the needs of farmers, even for farmers who farm in the same production areas. To address this, the company employs numerous agricultural specialists and mentors to align support with the individual needs of each and every participating farmer. 

Farmers in the program also benefit from access to SAB sponsored farming equipment, which would not have been economically justifiable if they had to buy the equipment for themselves. The use of the equipment is carefully planned, to reduce costs and ensure crops are harvested and planted at the right times. 

In an era where everything is becoming mechanized and automated, access to modern technologies improves the competitiveness of farmers by enhancing production efficiencies and allowing them to produce crops that would not have been viable to produce without these equipment. It also lowers the barriers to entry for female farmers and people with disabilities.   

Besides this, FarmSol unlocks market opportunities for farmers by negotiating off-take agreements on behalf of farmers and linking them up with FarmSol’s technical partner network for trading assistance with alternative crops. 

The organisation also unlocks and administers production loans, and offers tax and administrative support services.

Crop Farming in South Africa

South Africa’s agricultural sector is one of the world’s most diverse, consisting of corporate and private intensive and extensive crop ...more