Cumberland - Talbot Trail Run Series

The Terrain

There is a network of trail runs along the cliff edges in the Cumberland Nature Reserve and surrounding area, with breathtaking views into the most wild and pristine part of the Umgeni valley.

©Jacques Marais
Talbot trail run.

Several trails lead down to and along the river as well, but most of the running is along a relatively flat plateau. Steep ascents and descents are obviously on the cards when venturing down to the river.

While the tracks are generally open and allow for fairly free running, a few rocky sections require a spot of scrambling, with short steep hills bringing most runners down to a walk. There are a few jeep tracks and gravel roads for those who like running in nature, but are not that keen on technical single-track.

Getting to Cumberland

Follow the N3 north from Durban and take the Ohrtmann Road off-ramp in PMB and keep right. Cross the highway, pass the next set of traffic lights and turn right into Manning Ave at the 2nd set of traffic lights. Cross Baynespruit stream, go through the first set of traffic lights, then turn left at the Shell Garage.

Travel up the hill for 2km, then turn right onto the Table Mountain Road. Travel for another 2km before turning left onto the D408. Follow the D408 all the way into Cumberland and follow the signs to the start.

The Trail at Cumberland

©Jacques Marais
Running trail through Cumberland Nature Reserve.

The picnic site at Cumberland serves as the trail head and this is also where the race starts and finishes. The short and long courses set off together and split at the 4km mark. The 1st 1.5 km of the course is run on jeep track with a stream crossing that will get your shoes wet; there is slow swing bridge alternative for those who want to stay dry and are not worried about time though.

From here, the route narrows onto single-track meandering along the cliff for 2km, with a few technical sections where the sandstone have eroded unevenly. Just before short/long course split, there is a steep climb along a clay track that becomes very slippery when wet. While the short course meanders through avocado orchards on a neighbouring farm, trail runners on the long course continues along the cliff tops.

A steep descent through open grassland links onto a jeep track along a stream tributary to the Umgeni River. The tracks leads onto the neighbouring farm and onto a steady grassy climb through the sugar cane fields before entering the short course avocado orchard to loop back to the picnic area for a comfortable downhill finish.

By Jacques Marais