Winelands of the Overberg
Cape Winelands in Style

Across the Hottentots Holland Mountains range over Sir Lowry’s Pass lies the Winelands of Overberg a high, rocky plateau where timber plantations have long shared space with apple orchards.

Heaven on Earth

©David Rogers
The Overberg winelands encompass the rolling hills of Elgin’s Hottentots Holland mountain plateau and Walker Bay’s coastal fynbos region.

But its cool climate and mountainside soils have inspired vine cultivation in recent decades and Elgin has now also become synonymous with great wine. 

Cross the Houw Hoek Mountain into rolling wheat fields and sheep farms and head coastwards to Walker Bay, the breeding ground of the southern right whale and abutting on the virgin wine territory of the Hemel-en-Aarde Valley with its ancient shale-derived soils.

Overberg wine farmers’ passion for wine is matched only by dedication to environmental conservation.

By Wendy Toerien

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