Bulwer Activities

Paragliding and Canopy Walks

A good paraglider launch requires altitude, a safe take-off spot and a steady wind, and you get all these in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands, at Bulwer Mountain's 1 000 m take-off site. You can drive right up to it, but learners have to walk up to the 600 m take-off site - you have to grovel with the gophers before you get to fly with the eagles. 

©Jacques Marais
Hiking in the Southern Drakensberg near Bulwer

The main take-off is a large grassed area with a gentle run-off slope where you can ridge-soar until you can work your way to the main peak where the principal thermals fire. Once up there (2 083 m), it's possible to fly across to the Drakensberg - and then the sky's the limit. The site is flyable in southeasterly-to-northeasterly winds.

Tramp onto the Marutswa Forest Trails and Bird Boardwalk for a fantastic two-hour walk through the indigenous forest of giant yellowwoods and other ancient trees near Bulwer. Wander along a network of raised, aerial trails. Sightings include the endangered Cape parrot. At the reception is a craft shop with locally made basketware and pottery.

By David Bristow