The Bloody History of Giants Castle

The Last Stand Against Colonial Forces

In a region drenched with the blood and tears of history, Giant's Castle in KwaZulu-Natal has seen more action than most. It was here that rebellious Zulu Chief Langalibalele made his last stand against the colonial forces. 

©Roger de la Harpe
Rock 75 carving from the 75th Regiment during the Langalibalele Rebellion in 1873, Giants Castle.

It was here too that the last known 'wild' Bushman in South Africa was shot. It all started in 1873 when Chief Langalibalele refused to pay taxes to the colonial government. Some skirmishes in the lowlands drove the chief with his people and cattle onto the high ground to make a stand - and their eventual escape — up one of the traditional Bushman cattle raiding passes.

A detachment of the 75th Carbineers Regiment under Major Durnford was dispatched to deal with the intransigent chief. The names of the nominally victorious major, the five Carbineers who lost their lives in the skirmish, as well as the rebellious chief, were thereafter immortalized in these mountains.

Walking from Giants Castle to Bannerman Hut

©Roger de la Harpe
Having walked thus far, you might consider the names of the peaks alongside, such as Erskine and Bond, Poterill Kambule and Katana, and why they don't conform to the typical 'Berg names. Then there are Mount Durnford and the Carbineers' Grave with its stainless steel cross catching the sunlight.