African Purple Swamphen
African purple swamphen (Porphyrio madagascariensis)
African Purple Swamphen Appearance
The African swamphen is around the size of a chicken, 43 cm. It has bright purple plumage, with a bronze-green/blue back and scapulars (shoulder feathers) the frontal shield and bill is red. The legs and feet are red, the feet are large for the size of the bird.
African Purple Swamphen Diet
The African purple swamphen is an omnivore and feeds mostly on plants. But it will feed on eggs and other birds chicks, fish and frogs. This swamphen will readily feed on carrion.
African Purple Swamphen Breeding
The African purple swamphen is monogamous and builds a bulky bowl-shaped nest placed over water or in reed beds. They lay around 4 eggs. Both parents take part in the Incubation for 24 days.
African Purple Swamphen Behaviour
The African purple swamphen is either solitary or found in small groups, keeping to dense vegetation. The swamphen is often heard and not seen.
African Purple Swamphen Distribution and Habitat
The African purple swamphen is found in freshwater and brackish ponds, marshes, swamps and slow flowing rivers. It is found in most of South Africa, except most of Limpopo, East and Western Cape. It is, however, found along the coastline in the Cape Provinces, from the West Coast heading east.