Witsand Kalahari Nature Reserve
Kalahari's Golden Sands

©Nigel Dennis
Witsand Kalahari Nature Reserve is home to the Cape fox (Vulpes chama).
©Nigel Dennis
The Witsand Kalahari Nature Reserve, Northern Cape Province.

The scenic Witsand Kalahari Nature Reserve is an eco-friendly tourist destination situated in the Northern Cape. The reserve is 2, 500 ha of white sands surrounded by red Kalahari sand, Acacia woodland and the Langeberg Mountain range. On the plains surrounding the dunes, the vegetation is Kalahari Thornveld and Karoo-type vegetation.

The Reserve boasts with an abundance of indigenous birdlife, such as the secretary bird, crimson-breasted boubou or shrike and kori bustard. Other animals that call the reserve home includes meerkat, steenbok, duiker, red hartebeest, aardwolf, aardvark and cape fox. 

By far the best reason to visit Witsand is the fact that there are none of the usual restrictions around exploring the whole of the reserve on foot. This fantastic freedom of movement is what makes Witsand so special: no fences, no walls and no curfews hinder your full and unfettered access to experiencing nature at any hour of the day or night. In fact, night hikes and mountain-bike rides are very much encouraged!

As far as your ears can hear, this world sans cellphones and the internet stretches into infinity to leave you and your family free to experience a day filled with endless outdoor fun. Go for it – discover the horizons and exchange the in-car air conditioning for the wonderful feel of the wind in your hair.

History of Witsand Nature Reserve

Witsand has been a hub of human activity since time immemorial, with a number of Stone-Age sites dated back to between the 17th and 19th cen...more

Things to Do in Witsand Nature Reserve

Saddle up your mountain bike to ride amid the towering white dunes (up to 60 m high) dwarfing the blood-orange Kalahari surrounds. Sandy dir...more