The scenic town of Ugie is nestled beneath the towering cliffs Prentjiesberg, which forms part of the Drakensberg Mountain range.
Located on the banks of the Inxu River in the Eastern Cape, the town of Ugie, established in 1863 by William Murray, is named after the Ugie River in Scotland. The town was founded in 1885 and in 1916 a village management board was instituted.
Although Ugie is small, it has a lively community of friendly locals and a number of picturesque attractions including fly-fishing and hiking. Visitors en route to the town of Maclear or Tiffendell Ski resort can stop over in Ugie for refreshments and a day of sightseeing.
The Gary Kashula tractor museum is a popular place of interest in Ugie, as well as a thrilling rock formation known as Gatberg, which is a large hole in the mountain south west of Maclear.