Things to Do in Shelly Beach

Beach Activities

Shelly Beach is well known for the scuba diving reef which is set approximately 1500 meters from the beach. If you are brave enough to venture further you can enjoy the large game fish and sharks lurking around at Protea Banks, which is a worldwide known diving destination. 

©Roger de la Harpe
Fishing from the beach or from a boat, and many watersports to enjoy at Shelly Beach.

Swimming is safe at Shelly Beach as it has shark nets and dedicated lifeguards to ensure your safety. There are also various tidal pools for a relaxing swim. Fishing from the beach or from a boat is very popular and anglers are often pleased with their catch.

Many water sports are enjoyed in these waters including surfing, canoeing, water skiing and boating. Or if you prefer, you can relax and soak up the sun with a good book.

Pure Venom Reptile Park

©Roger de la Harpe
There is an incredible collection of viper species, such as the Puff adder (Bitis arietans), at Pure Venom Reptile Park, Shelly Beach.

Pure Venom Reptile Park is the biggest reptile park in Africa and lies just inland from the town of Shelly Beach on a beautiful, old estate in Izotsha. The reptile park has an incredible collection of indigenous and exotic reptiles. It is an ideal way to get up close and personal with a series of snakes, iguanas and crocodiles on the Hibiscus Coast.

At the park visitors will have the opportunity to learn a range of interesting snake facts, including the fact that egg-eating snakes have teeth in their necks and mole snakes have up to 95 babies! You can have a photo taken holding a python, mamba, cobra or a viper (if you’re brave enough) and the park includes nine species of rattlesnake, as well as five species of crocodile.

Pure Venom Reptile Park happens to be set on the part of the country’s coast that supports the most unique live reptile collection in South Africa. At the park you’re also able to get a bird’s eye view of the mating and courtship rituals of gaboon vipers, boomslang and mambas. There are guided tours, daily snake demonstrations and the highly fascinating crocodile and alligator feeding. It’s a fun outing for the whole family.