Things to Do in Mabibi

Beach Fun

©Roger de la Harpe
Partake in the pristine coastline of Mabibi.
©Roger de la Harpe
Snorkelling at Mabibi beach.
©Roger de la Harpe
The beautiful marine life of Mabibi beach.

Holidaymakers residing in Mabibi are in for a treat - there’s lots of fun to be had at the stunning beach, sheltered by coastal forests with soft sand that is perfect for a leisurely stroll or sunning session. Those who want to venture into the ocean can go out on the water with a canoe or kayak and experience the crystal clear water. Snorkeling and scuba diving is also a popular pastime, and marine life is plentiful. 

It is the ideal beach for the kids; it is safe for swimming and to explore the area while parents relax in the unspoilt surroundings.

Turtle Tracking

©Roger de la Harpe
Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta).

South Africa's foremost turtle conservationist Dr George Hughes joined the Natal Parks Boards’ turtle tagging and survey team based at Bhanga Nek, near Kosi Bay, as a vacation student in the 1965/1966 season. Since then, he and his research colleagues devised and refined their tagging techniques. Luckily, Dr George Hughes has never really retired and continues to give talks and accompany turtle tours from the lodge in January each year.

Turtle tracking is something you do not want to miss if you are planning a summer holiday between November and the beginning of February, when, first the turtles, and then their hatchlings make an appearance on the Maputaland coast.