Surfing in Hondeklip

It's Very Blue

Yes, it’s very blue. The entire Namaqua National Park is actually one of those ‘buy one, get one free’ parks. On the one side you have the endless Sandveld and Renosterveld plains, and then you peep over the sand dunes and see where terra firma meets the icy Atlantic Ocean. 

©Ann Gadd

Most people do not know how resolutely beautiful this piece of coastline still is, especially out of the flower season when every Tom, Dick and Harry (plus Sally) is here to admire the flowers. People can even survive mid-summer here at the coast as the cold Benguela current acts as a giant air-conditioner to control the temperature.

Though the sun beats down royally, when you dip your toes in the icy sea, it is another story!


©Ann Gadd

Here is the story about a ‘Platsnoek’. Truth be told, it is actually Dudley Wessels from Koiingnaas’s story. When we mentioned around the braai that we planned to surf the break at Hondeklipbaai’s wreck, he laughed. Whilst sipping his red wine, he warned that you could only survive the West Coast’s 8ºC water after a liberal application of said Platsnoek.

Let me explain for those who do not speak West Coast. Platsnoek is more commonly known as Old Brown Sherry, and specifically that little flat one that can comfortably slip into your back pocket. In this instance, however, the correct methodology is to take a big swig and then slip the Platsnoek into the back of your wetsuit before paddling out. Once your ice cream headache has subsided and your fingers start working again and you are bobbing on the back line, another dose is called for, and you then toast Neptune (or any other ocean deity you feel may protect you against the thumping swell).

Well … the Platsnoek did help for the cold, but we still got thumped, properly. There was a snapped leash and smashed board for Zane Schmahl, as well as some seriously close calls with the serrated reef snarling along the Hondeklip shipwreck as we battled the surge to safety, but it makes for a great campfire story. And it definitely hones your skills for the next tempestuous clash.

Things to do Around Hondeklip

©Ann Gadd
©Ann Gadd
Drive around in Hondeklip Bay.

Go surfing: The West Coast is rough; don’t let anyone else tell you differently. However, under the right conditions, the waves cannot be beaten, especially for those who have the time to wait for the right wind and tide. A light southeaster usually works well, so grab your board!

Go cycling: I was actually here in Namaqua with the EcoBound team to scout a new cycling route. The coastal section of the Namaqua National Park can work, however, you will have to do it on a ‘fat-bike’. A dinkum fat tyre bike glides over the sand and you can pitch a tent on the coast for an overnight stay.

Drive around: Namaqua National Park offers a wide variety of 4x4 options. The inland section of the Caracal Ecoroute wends its way through melkbos, quiver trees and stony hills, or you can stick to the coast and tackle the sand. The route is relatively tame, as long as you know when to let some air out of your tyres …

Hike the Camino: Clear your head in nature whilst tackling the Namaqua Camino. This 10-day hike covers more than 240 km, mostly within the national park, and most of the work is done for you. You carry your daypack and water – tents, meals and transport are all arranged.

By Jacques Marais